Chapter 13.)

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Getting a pastel baby blue to a snow-white winter dress out of my closet and redoing the mess of yellow, called my hair, I walk out of my bed room. Looking around the long corridor I can hear light giggling.

"Hey, sleepy head." The pinkie showed me his juvenile grin. "You fell asleep on my chest in the car." He had on a slightly formal sweater vest and dress pants.

"I did...?" I yawned. He hid, more like muffled, his laughter.

"Luce! Let's make some cookies!!!" Wendy giggled in a low voice. A little flash from my past, took over my eyes, as she ran down the hallway in a bright yellow dress with white poof and fake fur.

That dress. It was the last segment of color in my world. The last time I was happy was in that dress. The last time I saw my mother was in that dress. When they had that dress made for me it was the last one of color, for after that we were sent into morning. It was the last time I felt like I belonged in a family, until now. Not long after that year, my father cut me out of his life. And soon I cut out others, focused on school and writing my novel.

"Lucy?" Natsu's voice shook me back to reality. Something wet was running down my face. "Are you feeling good?" He looked back into my coco color eyes.

"I'm great... why you ask." I lied and he saw through it. He stepped closer to my still tearful face. Rising a hand to my cheek, lightly wiping a tear away, then moved it to my eyes view. The tiny drop of water fell off his finger and to the hardwood floor.

"Your crying, so your not great." He frowned. Still pretty close to my face.

"Hm, It's just that dress..." looking back at the small little girl. She was messing around with a doll. It looked like me....

"I can have her take it off." He cut my train of thought off.

"No silly," I laughed at him just for looking out for me. "She just reminds me of my life, before the death of my mother."

"Princess. Dinner. Bring your guests." Virgo one of my main maids told us from the entrance of the corridor.

"I guess you're going to meet my father..." I mumbled, didn't think that he would hear me but I was wrong. I walk over to the little blue head girl. Picking her up I walk back down the long corridor and over to Natsu.

"Don't sweat it, he'll will love me, or at least like Wendy." He tapped her on the nose then he kissed my temple.

"Yes, my father would love my boyfriend with a 4 year old daughter..."

"Ha-ha. Very funny." Natsu stopped me at the top of the stairs and looked straight down into my eyes, he placed a hand on my tiny chin lifting it up. Letting the only thing I could see was him, and that juvenile grin of his. "Lucy, you are one of a kind... so don't let anyone change that."

Our noses were so close. We almost kissed and we were about to if only Wendy wasn't so ... "Mommy, I'm hungry." Wendy's soft voice called out.

He blush a fiery red, but I giggled. I looked down at Wendy, kissed her small forehead, then glanced back over at him. I leaned closer to him, and finally our lips meet again, a simple kiss, from him to me, lasting no more than 3 seconds. I pointed upward, at the little green leafs hiding the small red berries.

"Mistletoe" I started to giggle again but soon stop as our lip meet once more. "I could kiss you again or... We could get Wendy something to eat and make C-O-O-K-I-E-S?"

"Let's go meet your father." He replied with his arm like a ninja sliding around my neck. He leaned in kissing my temple. We reached the end of the stairs and walked into this one room that had a too large of a table for just the two of us, and assortment of different colors and brands, from the chairs surrounding it. A middle aged man was standing

"You finally made it... oh is this-" my father mumbles the first part then asked the rest.

"Natsu Dragneel my new boyfriend. And this little cutie is Wendy." I replied placing Wendy on the floor. Wendy cursty in the little yellow dress.

"Sir." Placing his hand out He wait for father to shake it. He smiled at the offer and took it.

"Natsu, you look like Igneel. So does Wendy." Father glanced over at Wendy then back over at natsu.

"Thanks." Natsu push the chair out for me and another one for Wendy. Taking a seat for himself; the food came out. We all ate in quite, not a peep came out. Once we finally finished with dinner, l and Wendy got up to change and Natsu was left with father.

"Wendy, how about this?" I held up a yellow onesie with a tiny matching blue one. The onesie had little bunny ears on the hood and a fuzz ball on the rear.

"Yes!" She squeaked. After we changed me and her just relax a bit watching an old Disney movie,  I remember this as a book, when I was a little girl.

A little girl, up all night reading, as the time starts creeping into the witching hour. When a hand reaches in and takes her from the bed she calls her own. To a completely new world. I love the bfg! Wendy soon was passed out as for I- I was asleep yet I could still hear everything going on. I heard the squeak of the door as it opened.

"Hey Luce." His voice was quiet and kind, a lullaby for my ears to hear. I felt a soft thing brushed against my forehead, his hand was moving the yellow hair out of my eyes. He chuckled just the slightest bit.

"If only I could tell you how I feel." How he felt? How does he feel? About what?



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2018 ⏰

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