Chapter 8.) Ride Home?

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"So what do you think? I get revenge on Lisanna and you with sting" I stood there breathless from the offer I was just asked from the pink head. Sweat glittered his face with a tint of a blush.

"I'm not for sure if I want to do that to him, I know he cheated on me but..." my voice squeaked.

"I should've known, you're too goody goody." He got up to leave. I stood up trailing behind. "Enjoying the view?" He laughs.

I sighed. "Revenge..." grab his arm, and giggle. Trying to be super cute. I started to hug his arm as we walk out of the cafeteria.

"You're acting skills are great. But we don't have to, you know, act cute unless they're around?"

"I know." I smiled.

"Then why are you still on my arm."

"Just for practice." I swear I saw him as his cheeks run bloodly red. It was truly a cute match, even though he was a bad boy and I... a goody to shoes. I simply sighed. The rest of the day passed quickly. " I couldn't believe anyone would actually think that we are together. But I would too." I thought as I was about to walk home when a car came up to me.

"Luce, your rides here." I smiled opening the car door and sitting in the car. It was a old mustang, ruby red, with a couple dents and scratches that added charterer. He whispered in my ear. I giggle as i kissed his cheek. Cute couplely things. Other student on the sidewalk looked in amaze.
'They are really together?' On all of their minds. The gossip spread like the plague. Soon it reached natsu's ex girlfriend and Lucy's ex boyfriend. Both "heart broken".They had cheated on them but never expected it back. Not once.

I look behind me and I could've sworn I saw a car seat for a baby, I sruged it off. It was a long drive to his house, so long I feel asleep, my head resting on his shoulder. The car stopped at a apartment complex, houses were small but look like a great place to live.

"Where are we?" I stretched my tired body.

"My house, don't worry I just need to grab wen...rey." He mumbles something else then jumps outta the old mustang.

"Alrighty." He opened the car door letting me out. I started to shiver and he took off his coat letting me take in all the warmth. I notice out of school he's not that bad, he's actually really nice. Just in thewrong crowd. We walked up to his house. I heard a child walking up to the door.

"Hey Wendy, care to open the door, I got someone here."

The door opened to a tiny four year old. Her hair blue, not the peaceful color of the sky white clouds all around, but the dead waters of the ocean floor. With the white smile, she was like a angel.

"Hi", she made little gurgly noises as the word popped out of her mouth. Natsu picked up the small kid.

"Hello there." I looked over at Natsu. I wonder who she was. Then a lady came to the door from the inside. She had white hair and had on a work uniform.

"Thanks again mirajane, for babysitting my daughter. I'll pay you tomorrow." Natsu noded at the girl as she went to grab her things.


"Have a problem with teenage parents?"

"N-no. Not at all." I stuttered. "It just surprised me."

He sruged it. "Lucy. Meet Wendy. Wendy meet Lucy, a friend from school."

"Luce." She tried to say Lucy but failed.

"Sure Luce works." I smile. I didn't care if she can't say my name right. I care that Natsu let me in on a huge secret. Like this kind of stuff would be great black mail. The little girl looks at me. Her hands went from fist to jazz hands.

"She wants you to pick her up." He hands me to her and smiles. "Just like that." I felt happy with Natsu and his daughter. Something I haven't felt in years, like I was a part of something bigger than I could ever know, I was a part of a family. We spent a lot of time outside the house.

"Why don't we go inside for awhile." I suggest. It was a bit cold and I didn't want anyone to get sick.
Wendy giggles. She hops down and runs across the front/ family room to hers. It was really natsu's and hers but they shared it. A desk pink and white with *fairytail* books and kiddy drawings on it was the first thing I saw, a bunk bed was in the corner of the small room. I could see a small toy chest with a toy sticking out of it. She takes my hand and sits down on the tiny chair with a matching twin and table. The fuzzy carpet under my bare feet. She smiles handing me a doll. It was a princess. She points to me.

"You're the princess." She started picking out another toy to use. I heard the door open a bit. Then closed. Natsu sits on the twin chair to mine.
"You're the dragon." She handed him plaste dragon. "And I'm the baby." She picked up her baby Barbie doll.

After about two hours of playing Wendy started to get hungry. Natsu was about to call for pizza but I felt like I could make something.

"You don't have too." He tries to change my mind.

"I know." He picks up Wendy and grabs her crayons and a few sheets of paper. And Shows me the kitchen. He drops her in a bar stool and gave her the color stuff.
She starts to draw. I look through the pantry, fridge, and the freezer.

"Well, order the pizza, I'll make cookies." I sighed in defeat.

994 Words

I re wrote this on an airplane on my way to Boston. I'll try updating again today but no promises.

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