Chapter 6: Lumine's Flashback

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Lumine's POV

I was built as a character in a game series called MegaMan X, for the 8th installment. I'm a new generation Reploid who once led the Jakob Project, along with the prototype of them, Axl, who's body I am taking control of. I was the game's true antagonist and did what a villain should do when he or she was defeated. However, I had one more trick to prepare. After my defeat, I implanted my soul into Axl's head crystal and now was my time to rise again. But that never came.
In 2010, my creator Keiji Inafune had left Capcom and the last game, MegaMan Legends 3 was cancelled. This made a lot of people sad and angry, but I was outraged, by the fact that they didn't need MegaMan anymore. Just the other events that happened before I took over. As the game was to be scrapped, Axl finally succumbed to my control and I slaughtered everybody I could see. Now, I had to find a way to get back at the world for forgetting me. That's when I found out that you two were about to be separated by a business man running for president, who's name I will not say by all means and that was the final nail in the modern day's coffin.
I had gathered dozens of people who wanted to get rid of him and it was very easy manipulating them into helping me with my plans. So now you two both remain, with nobody else to help you, except those traitorous rejects!
End of POV
Lincoln and Ronnie Anne could not believe what Lumine had said.
"That's it?!" Ronnie Anne exclaimed, "You caused all this chaos all because this year's events overshadowed you?!"
Lumine just nodded.
"What about our families?" Lincoln asked, "I never seen them since your mavericks attacked our home."
All of a sudden, glitching occurred within Lumine's circuitry. It was Axl! He began to fight back against the possession. His answer to Lincoln's question wasn't very pretty.
"I'm sorry", He said solemnly, "He made me... do it. He made me... destroy them."
Lincoln was distraught. He had suddenly realized what was happening to his environment. It's history's end was a corner away. Anger and sorrow flowed through his veins. Now he had to get revenge.
"You mess with me! You mess with Ronnie Anne! You mess with my family!" He bellowed at Lumine.
"That's my Lincoln!" Ronnie Anne said, ready to aid him in the fight.
"It's now begun", Lumine replied.
Axl then started to glitch back.
"Go on", He said, "Strike me down!"
And so, the final battle was on like Donkey Kong!

(OLD) The Loud House Lincoln x Ronnie Anne StoryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora