Chapter 1: Forced Together

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It had been another great day for Lincoln Loud. The sun was setting, his sisters were behaved, and he was on his way back to his room to read his comics. He had laid down on his bed and started to turn the comic's page, when suddenly... KABOOM!!! Lincoln rushed to his window and saw some people smashing and throwing things at each other. He was getting confused and a tiny bit startled about it, when he heard a knock on the front door downstairs. Now he was worried about the person who knocked being outside with what was happening right now, so he zoomed down stairs to get the door opened.
Lincoln opened the door and it turned out to be Ronnie Anne, taking deep breaths from running to the Loud House from her's.
"Ronnie! What's wrong?" Lincoln asked.
"They're everywhere", Ronnie Anne replied, starting to faint.
"What's everywhere?" Lincoln asked again, but Ronnie Anne had lost her mood to talk, so she pointed at the TV, implying that Lincoln should find out from the broadcast. He carried her to the couch, grabbed the remote, and turned on the TV.
"Breaking News! M'kay!" Said the news anchor. "Outbreaks of people who call themselves mavericks have been revolting all around the nation!"
Lincoln was in shock. Ronnie Anne had got up a little and looked at the carnage on the screen, shedding a tear or two.
The news anchor continued, "In probably the biggest shock since the death of Robin Williams, our new elect president has been blown up by an unknown individual, who has took control of every inch of here and ironically a little bit of Japan. We're all screwed, if there is no hero to save us, so good day and good..." But before he could finish, a maverick shot a cannon at the news anchor and cameraman, obliterating them, causing the broadcast to turn static. Lincoln turned off the TV and dropped the remote in silence.
"Dear God", he thought to himself, before turning to Ronnie Anne, who was crying under her shoulder. Lincoln had put her arm around his poor girl.
"Ronnie Anne? Are you okay?" He asked, patting her on the back.
"My family was attacked and I had to run, never to return", she replied, sobbing. "I was at home looking up pictures of you and me, when those mavericks broke in and wrecked the place. I was defenseless. I'm defenseless without you."
Lincoln had beamed in sorriness at her expression. He then put his other hand on her palm.
"Thank you for the compliment", He replied and hugged her tightly.
Suddenly... CRASH!!! A bunch of mavericks, came out of nowhere and pointed their weapons, random appliances at the lovers, in one medium sized circle.
"Join us", one of them said. "And together, we will succeed in domination!"
"Or else you will die." Said another in a deep, silly voice.
"Sorry", Said Lincoln. "But I'm a little too overrated to sign up." And with that, he grabbed Ronnie Anne's hand and the two ran out of the house. One guy had slipped and fell to the floor.
"My Leg!" Said the ringtone from the fallen. He wasn't hurt though,
The others had searched for more of the family in the house, but they had evacuated. Then the team had no choice but to throw a party, accepting the fact that the land would soon belong to the mavericks.
Lincoln and Ronnie Anne were yards away from the house. They looked back and saw destruction all around the neighborhood. Glass shattered, structures crumpling, and mavericks everywhere.
"Well Ronnie", Lincoln said to Ronnie Anne, "We can't come back now. It just you and me." So off the duo walked away and their adventure had begun.

(OLD) The Loud House Lincoln x Ronnie Anne StoryWhere stories live. Discover now