Chapter 2: Meanwhile

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In what remains of the capital, a mysterious shadowy figure sat on his throne, watching over what was happening, when a person came walking in. He was to report on the chaos happening right now. This report was positive.
"Good news my lord", he said to the shadowy figure. "All of our warriors have took over every corner of the nation!"
"Good", the figure replied. "Any minor details to give me?"
"Well", said the maverick. "We have reports of a couple evacuating their homes in a city that looks like a comic book from the 1980s."
"And can you describe what they look like?" The figure questioned.
The maverick replied, "the boy has an orange shirt, blue pants, and ironically, white hair. The girl has tan skin, a purple hoodie, and black hair with a pony tale. They're the same age, also."
The figure had looked at the photos of them that just arrived to him. His eyes beamed in the shadows with happiness, but then turned back to the reporter.
"Please make sure they're ok", he said, "And bring them here alive, if they want to try and find out about me."
"That will do my lord." Said the reporter and he walked away. The figure chuckled a little as he realized that this couple would give peace to him.

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