Give Me Love- Louis

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  *Just as the title implies, listen to Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran while reading this since it is what inspired me in the first place. x*

  You looked around at all of your friends, laughing and enjoying themselves. You smiled at those that caught your eye, but kindly kept your distance, preparing yourself for what was to come next. You flicked off imaginary link from your tight fitting black skirt, and nervously re-tucked your tank top. Your fingers itched for a mirror to make sure your makeup was still in place and your fingers shakily patted down your still perfectly done hair. Your friends had hinted that a certain guy who you have been crushing on was going to be there, and tonight was going to be the time when you finally grew your balls and just told him.

  Louis was across the room talking to another group of guys and you couldn't stop your heart from freezing and then warming from simply looking at him. His easy laugh was silent to your ears because you were too far away, but just seeing him throw his head back to do it had you smiling.

  Your hands began to get a tiny shake in them, just anticipating what he was going to say when you told him. It could either go really well, or horribly wrong, but either way at least you would have done something. You tried to steady your breathing as you willed your feet to head into his direction, the music around you making the moment slow down as you went between dancing bodies.

  The suspense was making your head ache and your eyes to water and you blinked fast to try and calm everything down. You and he were friends, you guys texted and Skyped, it shouldn't be that hard to make the next move and just admit your feelings for him. Your trance was broken though as your eyes fell on to a blonde slithering her way towards you target. She had a glint in her eye and a sly smile on her heavily pouted red lips. As your steps faltered, you witnessed her fingers poke his chest, making him smile as he looked into her eyes.

  Those gray blue eyes that had made you melt so many times were staring into someone else’s; someone who wasn't you.

  You came to a full stop where you were, hurt, pain, and confusion in every inch of your body. A hot flush of embarrassment hit you and all you wanted to do was have the ground open up and swallow you. You wrapped your arms around yourself to try and hold yourself together because right in front of you as the girl hugged Louis your world was falling apart.

  Your insecurities bubbled up and it took all of your effort to not sink to the ground and just cry. The fact that she had gotten to him first, and he probably thought she was prettier and that he would never go for you anyway began to eat at your brain and you held your head, trying to will the thoughts away.

  Your friends came and found you, seeing your watery eyes and quivering lips, then the girl still flirting with Lou and they instantly understood. Jumping into action they began to weave you through the crowd to outside so that no one else would see you cry. It was at the point that you weren't even breathing because the next breath you took would either have you screaming, or just sobbing.

  As you walked away you could feel eyes on your back, and somehow you knew exactly who they belonged to. It was too much to handle, the idea of him seeing you like that, and you bolted, leaving your friends and escaping to have time alone. Out in the backyard the air was cool against your hot body as more and more emotions began to race through you, your hands shook for a different reason and your vision blurred more often because of the steady flow of tears now escaping down your face, taking your now pointless makeup with you. The hush of footsteps came up behind you and you violently brushed at your face in an effort to erase your buffet of feelings.

  "(Y/N)? Are you ok?" Louis's voice had too much sincerity in it, but your mind and heart weren't ready for that. You were still crushed on the fact that your world had been in the hands of another.

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