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I don’t want to run away

I want to run towards something

my arms spread wide with hopeless abandon, my heart thumping with anticipation.

I want my scalp to tingle as I encounter places I have never seen and I want my head to reel at the people I never could have imagined meeting.

I’ll leave my baggage at the airport, my carry-on will be enough.

I’ll leave my pain in the taxi, along with the crumpled cash I have for a tip.

Thankfully love is portable and I can carry that weightless blessing with me anywhere.

All I need here are my two feet and solid ground; my mind is my map and my heart is my compass.

I am not looking for an escape

I am looking for the next step.

I am ready, I’ve got my eyes set on the future.

I am ready to do something for myself and I won’t stop until I am there.

I am ready,

I am so ready,

to run. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2015 ⏰

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