Do you trust me?

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Do you trust me?

Do you believe everything that passes my lips? It’s a gamble you see, there’s a catch to trusting me.

When the words are sweet and caress your cheek, it’s easy to say yes. When we whisper in the dark, saying nothing and everything, it’s easy to say yes. When you get that ache from being apart, it’s easy to say yes.

But what happens when things don’t line up? What happens when your questions are answered with questions, leaving you to question if you should have asked anything in the first place. You get that sense of panic; that heart stopping fear that something’s up.

But everything must be okay, because you trust me.

So what do you do? Do you take the good and turn a blind eye to the bad? Or do you look it in the face, demanding answers that make your pulse race.

There’s a catch to trusting me. Do you ask what’s on your mind, or do you put your faith in me?

Do you trust me?

It’s a two way street. Trust is a two way street.

No matter why your heart skips a beat, or what you think when you’re alone, it takes two.

It’s a give and take, it takes a push and a pull.

So say it.

Say what’s on your mind, what’s swirling around like a leaf in the wind, causing you to shiver as you prepare the words.

Say it. Be the push, take a stand.

So that I can give you the truth and pull you in.

It’s a two way street and I want us both at the end.

We will go hand and hand and to the end and we won’t need words.

Our five digits perfectly intertwined will be enough; it will be enough to prove the trust I have in you.

And the trust you have in me too.

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