Stacy- Zayn

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You are finally sitting on the couch with your boyfriend Zayn after he had gotten home from a concert. You look around his cozy apartment taking everything in and just so beyond happy to be back. He plopped down on the couch causing some of the popcorn that was in the bowl he was holding to spill over the edge and onto the floor.

  "Uh...whoops?" He flashed you and smile and a tiny rose blush hit his cheeks and you just laughed and picked them up and placed them on the table.

  "No worries babe." You grinned at him and then kissed his cheek glad to just be around him.

  His schedule had been busy recently and the two of you hadn't had much time to see each other and it really was painful when you two were apart. Zayn hit the button on the remote and started the scary movie that you had been begging him to watch for weeks. You cuddled up close as the view on the screen started somewhere in the trees and then honed in on some unsuspecting runner.

  "I have really missed this you know." He laid his head on top of your and rubbed your shoulder. You took a deep breath in and squeezed closer to him, never wanting to leave that position.

  "So have I, but you had work to do. I understand." It wasn't easy dating a celebrity but you knew that Zayn was grateful that you never complained about his crazy schedule. Just as if on cue, his phone started to beep and his hand blindly left the bowl to find his annoying phone.

  Quickly reading a text he flashed you a quick smile and kissed your lips, his tasting like salt and butter. "I'll make this quick I promise." He left his cell on the couch and headed to his room to do something on the computer.

  You just sat there, used to it and paused the movie so he wouldn’t miss any. His phone started to bing again and you went to pick it up knowing it was probably one of the boys. But when the name Stacy came up on the screen you scrunched up your nose and shot a look towards his room where you could hear the clacking of keys still.

  Opening the message you saw that there were full convos between Zayn and this girl. You tried your best not to get jealous since he did have other friends you didn't know about.

  But when you saw that Stacy had sent a winky face in at least thirty messages you started to doubt him. All the times he had been out super late? How did you know he wasn't out with this girl? He could be just leading you on and you wouldn't even know it.

  Angry and scared tears filled your eyes, and your heart raced at not knowing what to do with the information you had just gotten.

  "Hey babe, all done." He waltzed back into the room as if nothing was wrong and you pinned him with your eyes, making him see how much pain you were in.

  He stopped dead in his tracks and took in your face, worry instantly filling his features. "Hun what's wrong? Are you alright?" He got closer and was about to sit down when you decided to stand up and get in his face.

  But the idea of being so close to him right then was enough to make you more pissed off so you took a step back and tried to find your voice.

  "I always thought that even if we weren't going out the least you could do for me was tell me the truth." Your skin was hot and your blood was boiling. Zayn just stood there confused, mouth searching for words and brain trying to figure out what you meant.

  "I don't know what is going on!" There was a little bit of anger in his features at not being caught up on the same page as you.

  "Oh really? Here why don't you let Stacy refresh your memory." You tossed his phone towards him and his reflexes stepped in and he caught it.

  He looked at the thread of messages and began to shake his head and laugh. 

  This just manages to piss you off even more. "Sorry but I don't find you cheating on me to be all that funny." You whipped at the tears on your cheeks, now so pissed that they seemed to be evaporating.

  "Babe. I am not cheating on you." He tried to keep a smile off his face but it was clearly hard.

"Mmhm tell that to Stacy." You wanted to believe him but the evidence was just too much.

  Zayn walked closer to you and placed his hands on your shoulders. "No really. Stacy is just some girl who got my number, but I am not interested because I am happy with my current girlfriend." He leaned in to kiss your nose but you looked away not ready to trust him.

  He sighed and swerved his head to make you look at him. "(Y/N) we have been through so much and I love you too much to ever go to someone else. You took a chance by coming into my life and I'm not going to mess it up, ever. I will never hurt you because then I will just be hurting myself. Babe I swear to you, you are the only one I want." He lifted your chin so you could look at him and you could feel your heart thawing a bit.

  "If I didn't love you would I still do this?" He leaned down and rubbed his nose against yours and you found yourself smiling.

  "Or even this?" He pulled your hair away from your face and planted a light kiss on your lips. You let your crossed arms wrap around his neck and smashed yourself against him.

  "Or better yet this." He said it into your lips giving you chills.He picked you up and your legs easily wrapped around his waist. He and you kissed again, longer and deeper this time, letting your tongues explore each other’s. He walked you to his room and laid you down on the bed while staying on top of you.

  "And plus how could I possibly go somewhere else when you kiss like that." He kissed down to your neck and all thoughts about Stacy were out the window as he peeled off his shirt.

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