Birthday- Zayn

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*My bestie wrote this for me actually (: *

  You walk through the vibrant red door to your house, tired and a bit upset after a long day. You kick off your five-inch pumps and shed your gray leather jacket, ready to fall into the soft, fluffy cloud that is your bed and slowly drift off into a well-deserved sleep. You head upstairs to your bedroom, but when you push open your door you find something unexpected. You stand in the doorway in awe and just can't help but smile. 

  Lying on your bed is a gift bag and a card. "I wonder who did this?" you whisper to yourself, knowing who did. Reaching into the gift bag, your fingers brush against something soft and fuzzy. You feel around some more a feel smooth, round beads and an indefinable fabric. Tired of trying to guess what could be in the bag you pull the object out. It's a teddy bear. Pulling it close to you in an embrace the soft scent of cologne emanates from the adorable little bear. Still holding on to your new gift you lift up your card and inspect the envelope. It was blue, your favorite color, and smelled of lavender. Even with just a whiff of the envelope you feel the stress of the day slowly starting to melt away. ‘Angie’ was neatly printed on the front in a black ballpoint pen. You could recognize that handwriting anywhere, but you decide not to jump to conclusions so you can be surprised once you read card. The card reads:

  “Dear Angie, I hope you had a lovely day today. In case you aren’t I hope this card will at least put a smile on your beautiful face. I’m sorry I can’t be with you right now, but the boys and I have been working really hard on the new album. As soon as we’re finished I will be sure to send you a copy in case I’m still unable to see you. But let’s get away from the negative because today is quite a special day! It’s your birthday! …”

  As you read that line you realize, you actually had forgotten about your birthday. Without him there with you, you hadn’t really thought about anything besides how much you missed him and couldn’t wait for him to come back… And the card continued:

  “… I’m missing you even more today because I know how special of a day it is. Sixteen years ago the love of my life was born. This girl, whom ever she may be aha has made me the happiest guy on earth. You’ve taught me to look on the brighter side of things with your cheery optimism and you manage to make me smile with the cute little things you say. But there’s one thing about you that I just CAN’T stand…. I can’t stand the fact that you don’t think you’re beautiful. You’re more beautiful than the roaring ocean, you’re more beautiful than the first snowflake to fall from the sky, you’re more beautiful than the bright shining sunrise, and more beautiful than the stars gleaming in the sky. You’re my world and I just want you to know how much you really mean to me. I can’t go a single day without thinking about you because you are what motivates me to get up in the morning and smile.”

  You just keep thinking to yourself, “How perfect can this guy be? And to think; he’s all mine!”

  “Since I can’t be there I thought I’d leave you a few things…. Well this is more for later, but this teddy bear…” you squeeze the bear tightly in your arms, “is for when you get lonely. It’s for if you ever think of me and miss me the way I miss you. Just squeeze the bear and think of me because I would never want you to feel lonely because I’m just a phone call away. Also, I’ve left you a few little surprises around the house. First of which is downstairs”

  You head downstairs still unable to comprehend how completely adorable this kid is, how he brightens your day without even being there, how even the little things he does makes you smile like his cologne on the bear or even the words he says. Pushing your thoughts aside, you head down the stairs, bear and card in hand, looking around but not knowing what you’re looking for so you read on. “Head into the kitchen.” You slowly dance toward the kitchen in anticipation, your feet leaving impressions in the carpet and causing the floorboard underneath to creek. As you finally reach the doorway to the kitchen you pause, your thoughts once again racing through your head building up your excitement to far more than you can stand. Your head peers around the corner. 

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