This is it!

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Unknown POV

Took both of them long to master the courage they needed. Aaliyah felt stupid for doing this. Haytham was scared; Afraid of rejection to be exact. Non of them wanted this. It was not her fault that he came into her life. Why did it have to hurt her so much?

Aaliyah finally picked up her phone and created a new message.

"We need 2 talk. Meet me at the ruins of my home."

She finished typing and stared at her phone. All she had to do is click the send button. She took her time; trying to give herself time to change her mind.

Haytham finally manned up and sent her a simple text message.

"Meet me at your old house now."

Aaliyah smiled. She was glad she wasn't the one who made the first move. She didn't even reply his message. She quickly told her father she had to go somewhere and took her hooded jumper. It was late in the evening. Normally she wouldn't do this but she knew she had to.


Aaliyah hated going there. It reminded her of her old life; one she can never have again. She remembered the house being blown up as if it happened yesterday.
Couldn't he choose a different place? She thought angrily. Then she remembered even she wanted to meet up right here. It was getting cold and windy. She was glad she had her hooded jumper.

Haytham got to his feet when he heard movements. Before he could walk out of the ruins, Aaliyah walked in. For a moment they just stared at each other. Haytham felt confused. He didn't know how to tell her what he wanted to.

"I am really sorry. I shouldn't have treated you like that. I know I was being an asshole. If you slap me right now for that I would really appreciate it. I just want you to know that I didn't mean to do what I did. I was just scared that I would lose you forever." He said in one breath and Aaliyah almost laughed at him. He looked so nervous.

"Breath Haytham , breath." She said in a chuckle. "I was never mad at you."

Haytham let out a breathe he didn't even know he was holding. He felt a little embarrassed as he blushed. What is wrong with you? He scolded himself.

Haytham and Aaliyah suddenly talked at the same time. None could tell what the other had said. Then they both kept silent for a while.

"You first." Haytham said signalling her to speak.

"I don't want you to leave." She took a deep breath and felt a blush creeping to her cheeks. She hopped that it was not visible.

Haytham's systems failed him. He couldn't talk for a moment. He just stared at her.

"Stay Haytham, don't leave me. I need you."

"Aaliyah," he finally managed to speak. "You have your father back. You will be alright."

He avoided her eyes. He didn't want her magic right now. Aaliyah knew it was useless trying to talk him into staying. There was an awkward silence for almost a minute.

"Why are you leaving? I thought you came back for me." Aaliyah finally spoke.

"I - I - uhh." Haytham stammered. He didn't know what to do. He knew if he speaks he will talk more than he should. Aaliyah waited for him to say something but he didn't.

"You know what," She was fighting back tears. "Forget it. I shouldn't have come here."

She said and put her hood over her head. Hoping that he doesn't see her tears and walked away.

"Aaliyah wait." He said but she still walked away. He reached for her hand and stopped her.

"For what? For you to hurt me again? I don't think so."

"Shut up." He was definitely bad at this. "I love you, okay?"

Aaliyah had a series of blinks. She didn't see that coming. Haytham sighed and closed his eyes. It's Aaliyah's turn to be dumbfounded.

"I know I don't have any rights over you whatsoever but I can't help it. I love you. I loved you a long time ago when I met you."
He ran his hand through his hair. "I came back because of that. I didn't know it then but now I know."

He took a step closer to her. She flinched.

"Haytham please -"

"No Aaliyah let me speak." He said. "I am not stupid I know you feel the same way."

"So what if I do? It's not like you would stay. You will still leave." Aaliyah said not trying to hide her tears anymore.

"Just say the words and I swear I will come back." Haytham said firmly. He kept on clenching and unclenching his fist hoping he can stay in control.

"That's the problem Haytham." Her voice sounded distant. "I won't be around when you come back. I am leaving. Abu wants to send me to my uncle's. In Jordan."

"Oh!" Is all Haytham could say.

"He wants us to start all over. I have just found him Haytham." She looked up to his eyes. "I don't want to be separated from him. He is all that I have."

"Well then I guess this is it." Haytham turned away from her.

"What do you mean this is it?" Aaliyah raised her voice. "I don't want you to leave me."

"Then come with me." Haytham said and took her hand. "Yes, come with me. I will take you with me. You and I will -"

"Were you even listening to me?" Aaliyah snapped at him. "I don't want to be separated from my father."

She put a lot of emphasis on 'my father'.

"Well then farewell, Aaliyah." He clenched his fist again and unclenched it. He has to stay in control.

"So this is it?" Aaliyah muttered to herself. "Am losing you for good."

It was not clear to Haytham whether that was a statement or a question. He looked at her and his expression loosened. What am I doing? I called her here to fix us not destroy us. Haytham scolded himself.

"Aaliyah." He held her hand and gave it a little squeeze. She was avoiding his eyes. She didn't want him to see her crying. "Look at me."

His voice was firm and strong. He put his in index finger on her chin and forced her to look up.

"Say it. Tell what I wanna hear and I will find you. Jordan might be a big country but my love for you is bigger." Drops of her tears fell on his finger. "I will find you. Just give me a reason to do so."

Aaliyah didn't want to talk. She was afraid she would break down. She quietly jumped into his arms. He hesitated for a moment but then he hugged her tightly.

That was when he realised there are a lot of love stories out there. Not all of them must have a happy ending. Maybe, just maybe their love story was meant to be sad.

This is it! It is goodbye. None of them wanted to admit it then but they both knew. There was no Haytham and Aaliyah. There never will be and they both accepted that.

"Just for the records, I do love you." Aaliyah said and Haytham chuckled.

This is it! THE END


Hope you guys liked it. I am sorry if it had a sad ending. If you guys read my story and actually vote for me. You would give me a reason to write some more.

Alhamdulillah I thank God for finally finishing it.

Thanks for the audience.

Mob pyaar

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