the midnight call

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It was late at night and like always ever since I left Aaliya, I couldn't sleep. I snuck out of the house and walked past the East river. It was the only way I could feel alive, with the breeze in my hair and my feet kicking everything in my way.

I thought about what Jem said. He was right, I shouldn't have just pushed her away. It wasn't fair but she wasn't the reason why I was stressed out. I needed a job really bad. Every media house I know wouldn't hire me because they are afraid I would defy their orders.

I could still see her face that night. The way she looked at me and her voice when she said goodbye. And I foolishly promised her I would be back. Why did I do that?

It's all your fault. A voice inside my head said. Now you are on your own.

Come on man, you're not going to beat yourself up for this. What's done is done. Now it's up to you to find that girl and keep your promise. Came the other voice in my head.

"What do I do?" I whispered under my breath as I kicked an empty bottle out of my way. My phone rung. I took it out of my pocket and looked at it. It was Ariana.

"What do you want now?" I found myself angrily asking her.

"You needed a job right?" I was suddenly alert. "I have got a job for you. You interested?" I could actually see her smirk.

"It all depends."

"You want to go to that Arab country. I  need a person who can speak Arabic."

I smirked knowing that this time I am the one who is needed.

"Am sorry but I can't." I couldn't believe I said that. "Isn't it a bit too late to be calling me?"

"I finally found the guts to call you. Can you buy that?"

I knew she was having fun. Why would she call me at such an hour telling me she has got the most important thing I wanted.

"OK I think I can buy that." My voice was suddenly soft and it reminded me of highschool. I hated it. I cleared my throat. "Do you really have what I want?"

"Yea, do you really need it?" The 'really' sounded very thick.

"You know I do." My voice went all soft again.

"Good, get your paperwork ready. We will be leaving next week."

"What's in it for you?" I heard myself asking.

"Nothing, I just want to see whatever it is that has captivated your heart. I want to be the voice that tells the world what is happening in such a place."

She spoke with so much passion that all of a sudden I felt a little evil.

"Wait, does this mean you are coming?"

"Of course I am, I mean how else will I ruin your mood over there. Nightmares." She said and hung up.

Did I just do a victory dance? I can't remember but I know I was so happy. Despite the excitement, I was worried about her motives. Why would she suddenly want to help me? What is she up to?

I looked at things with a positive eye. Ariana was up to nothing evil. It is pure coincidence that she wants to go there when I need a job.

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