Heartbreaks and goodbyes

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I ran after her. She was sobbing softly. All I wanted to do was to hold her tight and wiped her tears away.

"Aaliyah." She immediately wiped her tears away when she heard my voice. I watched as she faked a smile at me. "Wipe that fake smile off your face."

I reached for her hand. She flinched.

"What is wrong? Tell me. Maybe I can help." She raised her eyes and looked at me. Her beautiful bright green eyes went suddenly angry.

"Help?" She scoffed. "The last time you said you would come back and help, you raised my hopes. I was sure you would help bring my Abu back." She shook her head and took a step closer to me.

"Tell me Haytham, did you keep your promise?" She looked at me square in the eyes. "I trusted you. I believed in you but what did you do? "

"Aaliyah, I got-"

"The connection we had, it felt real. I was sure you would come back for me-"

"And I did. I am here with you right now, aren't I?" I said as I closed the little distance between us. She took a deep breath and emotions overwhelmed me. She looked at me again and chuckled.

"And you think this is enough?" Her voice broke as she started sobbing again. I tried to get close to her but she pushed me away.

"Ahsad never came back after the breaks were off. My mother got sick and I couldn't do anything." She shook her head again. "Do you know what hurts the most?"

I couldn't utter a word as my heart crumbled.

"She asked me to thank you." She got closer to me and hit me. I couldn't even move. "For what? Tell me Haytham, what did you do for me or her? You just disappeared."

"I told you I got fired and couldn't come back." I said trying not to sound defensive. I watched as her mouth went all O.

"Ooh no!" She walked away from me and stopped a few steps away from me. "Am sorry." Her voice sounded different; no emotions at all. I was confused.

"I shouldn't be angry. I don't have the right to. Why don't you go back to the hotel and have fun with that blonde girlfriend of yours - what's her name again?" She did a dramatic sigh and bit her lip.

"Ariana is not -?" I said defensively.

"Yea, that one." She cut me off and walked off. 

I couldn't believe it when she stopped midway and hissed at me.

"One more thing," her gaze felt unbearable. "Stay away from me. Disappear since you are so good at it."

Why is she so mad at me? And what made her think Ariana is my girlfriend?

I couldn't shake everything she told me off. How could I not see it? She is mad at me. She was hurt when I disappeared. What connection was she talking of? I needed to talk to her but I knew she wouldn't want to. I left without informing Jem. All I needed is a shower and a sleep - if I could sleep.


What have I done? Why did I treat him like that? And why the hell did I get so mad at him for being with that girl?

Ooh no! Why am I thinking of him? Shouldn't I be worried that I might lose my Yazid?

"Aaliyah!" Tamim's voice brought me back to reality.

I looked at him and immediately knew what was about to happen. I couldn't help it as tears started falling from my eyes again.

"She is here and please control yourself." He said and I could see it in his eyes; this was not easy for him either.

"I don't want to. Please don't let her take away our baby." I said. He held my shoulders and shook me.

"I can't do anything and you know it too. We promised we would give back the child if his real parents come back."

"I know but -"

"Aaliyah don't make this harder than it is." He said with a harsh tone. "It's my sister's wedding. Just give the lady Yazid without much commotion."

"Tamim please -" he walked out of me before I could finish what I was saying. I went to the baby's cradle. He was fast asleep. I cried softly as I kissed him goodbye.

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