Staying away

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"Oh no! What kind of a sister am I?" I sobbed again. I had been so judgemental with Ahsad. I blamed him for mother's death. While all this time he had gone to look for Abu but got arrested. My poor brother, God knows what he has been through.

"It's okay Aaliyah. It is not your fault." Haytham said as he rubbed my back. Abu was in the bathroom. No matter what they say I don't think I can ever forgive myself. "Besides, he is safe where he is now."

I was really glad he had gone to Jordan. At least with him there my stomach won't churn every time there is a missile launched or a suicide bomb attach. I know I will not live to see the day my country's free again but I know if I die tonight, I would be happy. I was happy to see my dad.

I finally pulled myself together and made them tea. Abu pulled me for a hug immediately after he drank the tea. I knew it reminded him of mother. I felt him tremble and I knew he was crying. I couldn't imagine how hard it was for him. Coming back home only to find your wife and first born son dead and your house destroyed.

Abu took his jacket and walked out. Haytham looked at me with questioning eyes. I had to talk.

"He love walking when he is mad or sad." I said. I could tell that Haytham was acting weird and he was not comfortable around me.

"Thank you." I said.

"For what?"

"Bringing him home."

"It was by pure coincidence that I ran into him yesterday. It could have been anyone else." He paused and looked at me. "He or she would have done the same."

"That doesn't matter. It was you so thank you."
" yeah alright. You are welcome." He smiled and his face dimpled. That is when I realised I had missed that.

"Um..." He started nervously. "Now that we are done here, I should leave."

I could easily tell that he nervous. "Are you okay?" I asked and he got suddenly angry.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

"That you were not really married."

"Ooh! So you know?" That was the only response I had.

"Seriously Aaliyah, I thought we had a connection? That was a big issue. You should have told me."

"Am sorry," I said with a smile. "Friends again?"

I gave him my hand for a friendly shake but he didn't take it.


I swear I wasn't trying to play a hard nut to crack. I just didn't want anymore of this. We be friends again, we hang out. We hang out, I lose control. I lose control, she freaks out. This might sound like a stupid theory but I know its true. I don't trust myself around her. Besides, I will be here for just two weeks. That is not long enough for her to fall in love with me to the point of wanting to marry me and leave everything else behind.

"You told me to stay away from you. I might not be really good at keeping my promises but this time," I paused for a moment. She quietly bit her lower lip. "I promised myself I will do exactly what you want me to - stay away from you."

I stood up and ran my fingers through my hair. I hoped I didn't look as nervous as I felt.

"Haytham, you -"

"Please don't make this harder than it is." I said through a clenched jaw. When I walked out of her cosy apartment, I wished I didn't have to. Her Jasmine fragrance disappeared from my nose as I shut the door behind me.

Two weeks. I scolded myself. That is all it takes. You will be fine. Just keep your distance and you will be fine.

Men! Why does love have to be so complicated and painful?

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