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Things were getting more complicated with every minute that passed by. I had moved everything I valued out of my room and moved in with Mama. Ahsad would have a fit every time he saw Haytham. Mama who was very indebted to Haytham, seemed too overprotective. The way Mama shouted every time Ahsad had an outburst, you would think Haytham was her son.

It was hard staying inside the house for a whole week, and the fact that we didn't know when the curfew would be lifted made me sick. Hanan stopped calling and I was almost sure something was up with her. I tried calling her but she was not picking my calls. I even called Salim, her annoying and egocentric brother but he would not let me talk to her. Mama, whose blood pressure was shooting up, got a bit sick. That meant that it was up to me to ensure the house is clean and the meal is ready on time. Ahsad refused to help me, despite my constant nagging.

I felt like my heart was bursting, I needed someone to talk to. Hanan was not available, Mama was sick and Ahsad was out of the question. Haytham was the only choice I had left. I needed someone who could help me forget about my problems, and who would do that better than a talkative journalist?

Dinner was served early like usual since we stopped eating lunch. Mama said we should since we had to save food in case the curfew lasts very long. Haytham helped me clear the table. He even insisted that he should help me with the dishes.

"No way, I can manage."

"I didn't say you can't. I only want to help, I fell useless. Sitting for a whole week without doing anything is not my thing." He said as he reached for the detergent on the shelf.

"OK then but be careful with the water. We don't want it to run out." I said after realising he was not going to leave.

At first, we both worked silently. I did the rinsing and drying while he did the washing, which he did pretty good.

"I am so bored, I could scream." Haytham said as he wiped his hand with a napkin.

"I hate these curfews."

"Me too."

Then there was an awkward silence.

"But I am glad I got stuck here with you." There was an edge to his statement. I turned and looked at him. He leaned on the fridge and tilted this head a little to the left. I felt suddenly excited. "I mean if I was at the hotel room, I would be on my own and I have only canned foods."

I smiled and rolled my eyes. Boys and foods. He smiled back at my and made a funny face. I laughed loudly, he actually had to shush me. Yeah! I am already not thinking about Yazid, Abu, Ahsad or even Hanan."You should smile more often." I arranged the utensils on the shelf, i silently shrugged. "You do have a lovely smile." I almost broke the plates as i staggered trying to gain my balance on the stool I was standing on.

What is wrong with you, it was just a simple compliment. I scolded myself.  It was hard to gain balance on the stool. I tried shifting my weight to the left side but it was a bad idea. I felt the stool slowly slipping and myself falling. Oh  No! Here goes nothing.

I closed my eyes and braced myself for the incoming pain then i felt nothing. There was no pain, no sound of me falling with a thud, no plates breaking only the stool screeching. I opened my eyes and turned on all my senses. I didn't fall because he was holding me. How did he do it? Wasn't he like five steps away from me? I had my nails deep in his shoulders. I was actually clinging on him.

"Mind letting me go," he said with a smile. "It kinda hurts." I let him go swifty and my cheeks were already burning hot with a blush.

"Sorry, I can be really clumsy sometimes. I am really really sorry." I said although I was not sure why I was apologising.

"Hey, it's nothing." He withdrew his arms from my back and took a step back. "Are you okay?"

I nodded. "Let me help you with that." He grabbed the plate's from me before i could protest. He stretched his hand and effortlessly placed the plates on the shelve. Men, he is really tall. "Easy ." he said with a twisted smile.

"Thanks a lot." I said nervously and adjusted my hijab.

"Are you sleepy?"


"Come on, we should play a game."

"What game?"

"You'll see."

He walked out of the kitchen as I wondered what he was up to.

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