Chapter 16

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"Nan..." Marley tapped Nan who was sitting on a stool, leaning on the examining table that Marley was on. "Nan, wake up." she whispered. Marley rolled her eyes and sat up painfully, swinging her legs off of the table when a hand grabbed hold of her wrist.

"No. Lay back down." Nan sat up and looked at Marley. "You are out for at least two weeks. Major concussion, broken ribs, pretty messed up back, and a cut up face. Marley, this is for your safety."

"Nan, I'm fine."

"Oh really. Stand up." Nan scooted her stool back and leaned back against her desk that was a few feet away.

"Fine." Marley set her feet on the ground and went to stand up when she wobbled and went to fall to the ground before Nan caught her.

"Told you. You are staying here." Nan helped her back on the examining table. "Plus, you are on anesthetic right now so you can't feel the pain that you were in just a few hours ago."

"Why can't I go to my room?" Marley asked as she laid back down on her stomach painfully.

"Because if you are here, you are medically exempt and no one can say that you did anything. They, and you know who, can't make any excuse to hurt you. Now, no more excuses, you are staying here."

"You're no fun." Marley closed her eyes and took a couple deep breaths. Her back did hurt but it wasn't even that bad.

"This isn't supposed to be fun Marley! You were pretty messed up last night. This is for your protection." Nan walked over to her computer and looked at who she was seeing today: four people and a surgery.

"Well, can I at least get moved to a bed on not on a cold slab. I feel like I am going to be cut open."

"Tonight. I need to fix your back still. I was going to do that but you woke up. You need more stitches."She stood up and pushed back the sheet separating Marley from the other part of the hospital wing and walked up to Harry. "You are going to do the four appointments today. I am dealing with a patient. Get me when the surgery is ready to go." Nan turned around and walked away before he could say anything.

Nan walked back towards Marley who had her eyes closed. Nan turned around to set a few things up when she heard Marley move. Nan turned around and saw that she shifted positions. "Marley? You asleep?" There was no answer. Nan, since she was a doctor, checked Marley's pulse which was getting stronger since last night. Nan smiled and then sat down at her desk. For Marley, it was crazy to fall asleep that fast, especially since this was not one of her 'safe places' like her room or her office. She started typing up the list of reports she had to get through when she started dozing off. Nan finally fell asleep, her head resting on the keyboard. Nan was woken up when she heard Marley's voice.

"What am I on Nan?" She moaned. Nan jumped up quickly and ran towards Marley.

"What is wrong Marley? Are you okay?" Nan asked, worried.

Marley kept her eyes closed. "My back and ribs and head... Why don't they hurt?"

"Oh. Well, you are on morphine. That is why you can't feel anything."

"Then why am I so tired? I am never this tired."

"You have a concussion. Your brain is healing so all your energy is going to heal it instead of keeping you awake. It is draining you so you are tired. It is natural. Just go to sleep."

"I can't. I don't want to." Marley whispered.


"I can't deal with the dreams anymore. They haunt me."

"Just try Marley. If you can't get out of your mind, just wake up then. Now go to sleep."

Marley closed her eyes but then opened them up. "Did you fall asleep on your keyboard?" Marley asked with a smirk.

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