Chapter 5

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How long was this going on? Two hours? Three? Marley knew one thing: that she had a broken nose, two black eyes, a split lip, and a cracked rib. Marley pushed herself up onto her hands and knees, just to get kicked in the stomach again. She fell to the ground, holding her torso. Marley coughed, but she gasped in pain because of her ribs. She laid on her back, closing her eyes when she was grabbed by her throat and yanked up. Marley opened her eyes and grasped onto the hands that were clenched around her neck. She was slammed into the wall, having her head hit the wall. She looked over at Nan and saw her face shimmering with tears. "Nan!" Marley yelled out.

"Shut up." Oliver grunted as he pushed Marley into the wall again. She started seeing spots in her vision. Oliver let go of Marley as she fell onto the ground, coughing.

"Nan..." Marley whispered. She tried to get up but was pushed onto the ground and held there by Nate.

"Hey Oliver." Nate nodded towards the back wall, eager to try something new.

"Yeah. Sounds like a plan." Oliver walked over Marley, stepping on her back. Marley coughed and tried to get up but Nate held her there.

"Get off me Moron." Marley said. Nate held down Marley for another second but then let go and walked to the other side of the room. "Nan..."

Just let her go. Nan is focused on herself... not you.

"I don't care. I do not care about her."

Then why are you saying her name...



Nan was gripping the arms of her chair as Picasso dragged the knife over the pre-made cuts, digging dipper. Her eyes were red from tearing up to not tearing up to crying. She needed to stay strong for Marley...

who are you kidding Nan? Marley doesn't care about you.

"Of course she does. She was saying my name."

I do not think that...

"Oh be quiet. You just don't like being proved wrong."

That doesn't make sense Nan. I am in your head.

"Would you just shut up? Marley is my... friend." Nan thought about it. She kept saying it to herself, but was it true?

I would say more fellow room mate. No: she was my friend. "Marley is my friend."

Picasso jabbed a little dagger into Nan's right shoulder having her cry out in pain. Picasso just laughed and thrust another little dagger into her left shoulder. Nan bit her lip and held back the tears.

Marley looked towards Nan and saw blood dripping onto the ground from the chair. Marley looked back to Oliver and Nate who were joking around with each other. Idiots. Marley looked back towards Nan and began Army crawling over to her. She finally got over to her and saw all the cuts and gashes over Nan. "Oh my gosh." Marley grabbed onto Nan's chair. "Nan, hang in there."

"Marley?" Nan looked down and saw Marley. She was horrified. Marley looked horrendous, all beat up and bloody.

"Nan, you are..." Marley was hit over the head with a bat. Marley let go of the chair, getting pulled back over to her side of the room. That hit caused Marley to split her head.

Mr. Sharp sat back in his chair, looking over what was happening. He was admiring how well Picasso was doing his job when he caught a glimpse of movement coming from the other side of the room. He looked over, noticing Marley crawling over to Nan. He had to laugh. That girl had some gumption. He looked over to those two idiots bantering about something when they finally noticed Marley get away. Oliver and Nate ran over, hitting Marley and dragging her over to the other side. They started beating her with their bat and crow bar. he had to look closer to see that she was still conscious. That was why she was the best they had. He looked back at Nan and noticed how strong she was, no matter how pale looking she was. Nan was one of the best as well. Marley and Nan... the best here.

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