Chapter 2

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The fluorescent lights cast shadows across the room as Nan finished unpacking and Marley continued laying on her bed. As the time approached 5 pm, they both knew that they had to make their way to the dining facility.

Nan checked her watch and then looked at Marley. "Uhh..."

Marley quickly sat up. "I suppose we must." She slipped her shoes on and stood up, towering over Nan.

Nan looked up in awe. She had not realized until now how tall she was and how sharp she looked. She had to be 5'11" with sharp cheek bones and bright green eyes. Then, she had dark brown curly hair that fell to the middle of her back.  She was extremely thin but she didn't look unhealthy. She looked down at Nan, her hands on her waist, the florescent lights highlighting her drastic features.

"Well?" Marley motioned to the door as she snapped Nan out of her daze. 

"Oh. Yeah, of course. Yeah. Yeah." Nan cleared her throat and opened the door. Marley swiftly slid through the gap and started making her way down the hallway. Nan jogged to catch up and had to lengthen her strides to keep up with Marley's pace.

They walked on in silence but Nan couldn't stop staring. The stories of her definitely matched her appearance; her daunting attitude to match her intimidating figure. 

They strolled into the dining facility and a putrid smell immediately hit them. They both looked at each other and grimaced, "Fish." Guards were spread throughout the rest of the people, making sure they ate all their food and there were no rambunctious actions going on. Marley and Nan grabbed their trays and made their way through the line, having grey fish and mushy rice  slopped on their tray. The plastic cup was filled with lukewarm water and they were sent on their way. Marley found a half empty table and sat down. In almost an instant, the four other kids at the table gawked at Marley and slid to the other end of the table. Marley didn't looked effected by the drastic actions as Nan cautiously sat next to her.

Marley looked down at her food and in a monotone voice stated, "You don't have to sit here. Go ahead and sit with your friends."

Nan stirred around her rice and picked at her fish. "Uhhh no it's okay. Why do they, uhhh, do that?"

Marley shrugged. "Cowards. Scared of anything not normal. I'm too smart for them."

Nan gave a curt nod and forked a small bite of fish in her mouth. 

Marley could hear a small gag come from Nan and she chuckled a bit. "Are you finished?"

Nan swallowed and wiped her mouth, looking at Marley. "It isn't like we have a choice. We have to eat it."

"Everyone has a choice. It is just a matter of consequence... and not getting caught." Marley smirked and then stood up. "Shall we?"

"Are you even going to try to eat?" Nan slid out from the table and followed Marley towards the rubbish disposal.

"No. I don't care much for the food around here." Marley quickly slid the food into the can and then set the empty tray on top. "Hurry up and don't get caught." Marley turned and made her way out of the cafeteria, leaving Nan behind with her nasty fish. Nan quickly looked around and then followed suit, quickly leaving and meeting Marley in the hallway. They started making their way to the room.

"You can't tell me that of the eleven years you have been here, you haven't eaten anything?"

"I have, but I am usually doing other more important things in my office and it was brought to me." They arrived to their room and Marley opened the door, walking inside. 

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