Chapter 9

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Don't ever help me again...

Nan sat down on Marley's bed as she slammed the door in her face. Nan was in shock. 

"I was only trying to help..." Nan sat there, staring at the door. Nan snapped out of it and got up, moving towards her dresser and opening it up, revealed her white scrubs. She sighed and yanked them off of the hanger, walking towards the bathroom to get ready for work. In about five minutes, Nan walked out, her hair up in a pony tail, her face washed, her teeth brushed, and her medical bag packed and in her hand. She opened the door and walked down the hallway, closing the door behind her. The only thing that she was looking forward to was seeing Harry. 

Mr. Sharp walked into Moriarty's office. There were long windows along one wall, out looking the sunset falling on London. His office was exceptionally clean. A mahogany desk was set near the windows with a black cushioned chair behind it. On the desk was a computer, a calendar, a #2 pencil and a black pen. His office would be any ordinary office you would see except for the bulletin board he had behind his desk. 

It had pictures of random people all over it. The disturbing thing was that there was one person in the middle of the bulletin board... with people all around it. Strings showed the connections of them to the one picture; Mr So-in-so knew Mrs. Whats-it who knew the man in the middle. Most of the people around it had red X's over them.

"Sir, your pictures..."

"Yes. What about them?" Moriarty asked, still looking at his computer.

"Sherlock Holmes... he is in the middle. Isn't he dead?"


"Well, then why isn't there a red X on his picture?"

Moriarty stood up and walked to the window, looking out. "Why are you here?"

 "Sir, have you noticed anything different about Marley and Anna?" He looked at the bulliten board and noticed Marley's picture on it with a red string connecting her to Sherlock. All of the other strings were green but hers was red as well as the red string connecting Sherlock to John, Mrs. Hudson, and Lestrade.

"Of course I have." He answered, disgusted that Sharp would ask if he noticed anything differently. Moriarty snapped around and looked at him. He had noticed. With them seperated, they were weaker. "And I have a plan. We need to keep them apart. They are more dangerous together so let's separate them. Picasso..."

"Yes sir?" He stood up from the chair in the corner. He had been there all along, playing with a little dagger. When he stood, Sharp jumped a little, making Picasso shake his head.

"Make sure they say separated. And Sharp, you too."

"On it."


Marley walked into her room, looking at her clock. 23:59. So late. Nan said that she would be back around 03:00. Marley got ready for bed, brushing her teeth and getting in her pajamas. Her head was all fixed up, though she had a pretty good scar there though. Her ribs still hurt though. She looked under her bed and pulled out a beat up teddy bear. She set her alarm to 02:45 as to not have Nan catch her with her bear. She crawled into her bed as the clock turned to 0:00. "It is a new day." Marley whispered to herself. She held the bear close to her body and closed her eyes, finally finding peace.

~ * ~

Nan walked down the hallway to her room. She was in a horrible mood. Sure, she got out of work thirty minutes early but it wasn't because she did a great job. Someone had died on her shift. Fatal accident; metal through the chest. Usually the people who die are the ones who have done things stupid but this was a true accident. A beam fell and hit a little boy as he was walking to his room. Ten years old and now he is gone and it was all Nan's fault. She could have saved him.

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