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Panting, I heaved the last piece of furniture into the back of the truck. My couch, table, bed, mattresses, computers and literally everything I owned was in that thing.

Brighton was where I was going. Felix had his revelmode office up there and already a few YouTubers had set up; Pj, Emma, and Felix himself. My residence was an actual house about ten minutes away from the revelmode offices. I'd finally be able to get a dog of my own.

The truck drove off towards the airport; my stuff was already on it's way. Hailing a cab, we took the same route as the truck had done. When we arrived the fare was paid, my flight was boarded and I was well on my way to Brighton.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited to live so close to Felix. The last time we met had been short, but vivid memories lingered; PAX, meeting fans... and, well... the kiss of a lifetime. It was a combination of short and sweet, long and passionate; grabbing clothes, grasping skin, smelling cologne.

We may joke on camera, but a lot more happens behind the scenes. Let's just say one thing; Felix sounded like a girl in bed.


I searched for Felix in the crowd, and then my eyes fell on a sight that tore out my heart.

Felix, and some girl I'd never seen before.

"Hey Jack! This is my girlfriend, Marzia."

I wanted to scream, I was breaking down. I kept my composure, however. I had to keep my composure.

Felix enveloped me, and whispered something in my ear.

"I haven't forgotten my feelings for you."


Hey guys! Sorry for the short one shot. The update schedule on this, to put it quite simply, SUCKS. I'm only going to update when I have an idea for a one shot.
I'm nearly at 100 followers. Thankyou so much for the support.
Also, please don't plagiarise my work. I've already found one story based off of this one shot and a whole chapter was just my one shot, word for word.


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