Is septiplier confirmed?

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Warning- crappy fanfiction ahead
Also, the reader part isn't included in this, but it's from Jackaboy's POV. Sorry if you were hoping for a Jack x Reader fanfic, I have writer's block so I just wanted to leave the reader out this time.

Also, enjoy the above image xD

Jack POV
"Okay next question!" Ken called into his microphone ((one of those small ones that sits on your chin and you don't have to hold it)) .
We were at PAX, doing a panel. The panel consisted of Felix, Mark, Ken and I. We had sent Felix out into the crowd to get questions from fans. Felix had run up to a one of the fangirls, and by the looks of it she was crying tears of joy. I smiled, it was really sweet when it means so much to a fan to meet you.
"This question is for Jack and Mark" she began. I smiled, and saw Mark's face. He looked pretty eager to answer the question.
((Jack is sitting next to Mark by the way))
"Is septiplier confirmed?" She asked.
Oh not again... I thought.
Mark began answering the question without me.
"Uh... Does this answer your question?"
Before I could move or say anything, Mark quickly leaned over and kissed me full on the lips, holding my head there so I couldn't move and kissing for about 5 seconds.
((I'm probably over reacting))
He finally broke away, and I stared at the ground, shocked. I could tell I was blushing, like a fooking ((only bit of irish accent in this whole story xD)) idiot. I knew there must of been at least 100 photos taken, and that they were being posted right now. I could still see a few phones up, catching every detail on our faces.
But.. There was one thing I will never admit.
I gotta say, I liked it.

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