Tea Party

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Your POV

I wonder where Mommy is? I thought. She was taking a long time to get back.


"Sweetie, I've packed food in your doll's pram, so you can have a tea party with Sam." Mommy said.
Sam is my dolly, people ask why I didn't call her Barbie because she's a Barbie girl ((i had to xD)) but I stuck with the name Sam. She has long brown hair and blue eyes, and she is pretty short for a Barbie doll.
Mommy then took me to the park where I have been trying to drag out how long the tea party is since Mommy didn't seem to be coming anytime soon.

Jack's POV
I was walking in the park, actually enjoying nature for once. I never really went outside much, because of my commitments to YouTube. I saw a really adorable little child sitting all by herself having a tea party with a barbie doll. I couldn't see any parent or guardian around everywhere and I was getting worried for the poor girl.
I stayed away, I didn't want anyone thinking I was a pedophile. Even though watching her could be classed as an act of pedophilia, I decided to keep an eye on her. Eventually it began to get dark and I knew I had to do something.

Your POV
A man with green hair, beanie and glasses came over.
"Hello there," he smiled.
"Hi." I replied, unsure.
"What's her name?" The stranger asked me, indicating Sam.
"Her name's Sam," I say, keeping my answers short.
For some reason his eyes light up and he gives me a huge grin.
"And what's yours?"
"Not telling," I say stubbornly. Mummy always said not to talk to strangers.
"Aww why not?" He asks with disappointment.
"I'll tell you my name if you tell me yours. Deal?" I ask. If I got his name, he wouldn't be a stranger would he?
The stranger laughs, then replies.
"My name is Jack. But you can call me Sean" he says.
"Why do I call you Sean? You said your name is Jack" I ask, confused.
"Sean is my real name, though most people call me Jack instead" he replies.
"I'll call you Jack."
I only decided on calling him that because he seemed to want me to call him Sean.
He looked slightly disappointed actually.
"Now tell me yours," Jack demands, pouting.
"It's Y/N," I say, sighing.
He smiles.
"Pretty name," He comments.
I just nod in reply, and he sits down on the picnic blanket next to Sam, smiling.

We eat all of the food that my Mommy packed me, and drink all of the water from the cups in the teaset.

Edit: This one shot is currently being made into a short story by one of my readers. I'll tell you more later on. :)

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