Off To Hogwarts

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This pic is life ^^

I have 2k reads on this book. 2k. I'm shocked.
I celebrated when I got 100 reads on this. But now I have 2k. Thankyou. Thankyou so much. You reward? Another Fanfiction, that is extremely late. Sorry.

Thought I would do a fandom crossover for this chapter. If you like it, please let me know. This one is Harry Potter.

Jack's POV

There it is. The gleaming red Hogwarts Express. The train I've waited to get on for 11 years; my entire life. My older brother Malcolm goes to Hogwarts already. Ma says I shouldn't trust him, as he'll probably play tricks on me.
I rush onto the train, and find that every compartment has at least one kid in it. Striking up the courage, I ask if I can sit in one.

"Sure." The boy says. I see with a grin that the black hair on top of his head turns to red.

"I'm a metamorphagi too!" I laugh and change the top of my hair to green.

As we do this, a third kid walks in. He has blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Is this seat taken?" He asks, gesturing to the one next to me.

"Nope! Come sit down!" I yell, causing him to jump.

"I'm Mark," the red haired boy introduces himself.

"I'm Sean, but please call me Jack," I introduce myself to the pair of them.

"I'm Felix," the blonde kid mumbles. "What's with your hair?"

"Sorry, we're Metamorphagi. We can change our appearance when we wish to. Well, that's when we're fully trained of course. I can only change the colour at the top of my head," I reply.

"Don't worry, Jack. I'm the same," Mark chuckles.

Third person POV

Throughout the train journey to Hogwarts, the trio got to know each other better. Mark learnt that Jack was Irish and that Felix was Swedish. Jack and Felix learnt that Mark was born in Hawaii.
Felix was now a lot more confident. He had made friends, something he thought he would never be able to do.
Jack was happy that neither Felix nor Mark cared about his accent.
Mark was happy he wasn't being mocked for being a metamorphagi.
The three were happy.

Jack's POV

We finally arrived at our destination. A loud voice boomed through the carriages.
"Firs' years! Firs' years! Come 'his way!" I looked around for the source of the voice and I found that it came from the enormous bearded man. Apart from his frightening appearance, he seemed friendly.

He took us to a place jam packed with boats. We were going to sail to Hogwarts, apparently.

We had to share a boat with one other kid, someone we hadn't met yet. He told us his name was Ken. Felix seems to already be best buds with him; kind of like I am with Mark.

The boat trip was actually quite pleasant, and it was kind of fun to see a giant squid resting at the bottom of the lake's murky depths. I hope I'll be able to see it properly sometime.

Finally the huge bearded man (that introduced himself as Hagrid) strolled over to two enormous doors and flung them open. Everyone gaped at the sight; floating candles in the sky, a huge amount of students, and-


Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read this! Autocorrect made it difficult to write; I now turn it off when I write for wattpad.
Now as I said, I do want to start crossover stories. I'm thinking the next one will either be The Hunger Games or Divergent. Both will be written if you guys want; but which one first?

The competition from last chapter is still up.

Love you all 😘💚💙

Jacksepticeye One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें