Car Crash

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I jolted in my car seat and banged my head against something hard. I felt someone drag me out, but I was unconscious before I could see them.


"Mum! Dad! Drive me to that convention TOGETHER!!" I screamed, annoyed by my parent's fighting.
They actually listened to me for once but they continued to fight as they drove. Suddenly there was a bang and we collided into a telephone pole. I know the crash was my fault. Mum got distracted.

Jack's POV
I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the wreckage before me. The metal was twisted into weird shapes and I could see two grotesque corpses in the driver's and passenger's seats. A teenager was in the back; she was nearly unconscious. She never saw my face. I carried her out, called 999 and hoped for the best.

Two days later.

Your POV

I woke up in a hospital bed and I saw a man with green hair sitting in a chair beside the bed. I couldn't believe my eyes when I realised who he was. He was The Green Beacon; The last remaining Bossotron from the planet Bossotronio. He was Jacksepticeye.

due to amount of comments i've been getting, i'm going to put an a/n here. no, i did not mean 911. 999 is the emergency number in the uk. they have conventions too.

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