Chapter 18

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     He didn't stop. It never seemed to stop. He was careful now, using protection. He violated me once again. Then again, again, and again.
It's suffocating.
I would scream, I would fight. But it never seemed to stop.
He never stopped.

And my mother knew deep down, I could see in her eyes, they glowed with sorrow. And then it was then I realized I could not forgive her this time. Maybe he really did make her happy. But one thing I do know is, she will be happier without me. Much happier.

    I pulled a sheet of paper out and began to scrawl out in my sloppy handwriting..

Dear Dad,
     I'm sorry for the way we left things last. I really am. I hope everything is going okay with both you, Marie, and Wyatt. Please take care of them. I'm happy, that you finally have a family that you love dearly. Anyhow, there is a reason as to why I am writing to you. I have found it quite unbearable to cope with everything. And I've come to a decision, but that is besides the point. I appreciate everything you have done for me. But it's time for me to say my goodbyes. I love you very much, and I know mom does too. Goodbye, dad.

I slipped a small photograph of mom, him, and I, when we were still a happy family. I placed all of it into an envelope, and managed to mail it off to my dearly beloved father's work, considering that was the only address I knew. I then began writing another letter.

I know it is time for me to say my goodbyes.

This Is My GoodbyeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora