Chapter 6

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The morning sun would shine brightly through the cracks of my dingy curtains.  Ravenous circles etched out beneath my eyes, and foretold the endless nights of my own desolation. I was dragged to the point where food was never an option, hiding in my tub, doors locked. The cold enveloped me.  Richard would try to come for me every night, and one night he succeeded. The hinges from the bathroom door, and the door collapsed before me. I huddled as far as I could from him, I didn't have a whole lot of options. My safe place stolen. He ripped me from the tub, dragging me to the bed, and began hitting me, speaking his vile words cursing me into damnation. My  crooked limbs became tangled underneath his, as he defiled what was left of my body.
Rape is more than just deflowering the body forcefully. Rape degrades your mind, leaving nothing but ruins of what used to be . Each and every thrust stole my shattered ruins within, I prayed that a piece would be sharp enough, so he can feel the pain I have felt. So he can no longer ravish what is left of me. Where not a single fingerprint of his existence traced on my frame. I prayed and prayed. But then again, is there really a God, if he let's this happen?

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