Chapter 15

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I stood there staring into Matt's eyes . Frozen. Paralyzed. What could I do? The entire room was spinning and everything began to become foggy until I heard Matt's voice next to me.

"Morgan?" He said nervously, now standing in front of me with his hands on my shoulders.

My hands met my face and I squeezed my eyes shut.

I shook my head slightly.

"Morgan, come on tell me who's in there" Matt demanded, his tone somewhat harsh. It startled me, he'd never spoken to me like that and I couldn't tell if I liked it or hated it. I couldn't tell anything at the moment though.

"Morgan" Matt whispered once more. Helplessly.

"Fuck it" he growled as he turned around and bursts through the shut door, not even bothering to turn the door knob.

"You!" I heard him tell powerfully.

I slid down the side of the wall until I was sitting on the cold cement ground. My knees met my face and the tears poured down my cheeks. What was my life? Who am I? What the hell is going on. My boyfriend is in my dorm room fighting the person who I hate most and I'm here. When is this agony going to end can't I just e free? Is death really the only option that will get me out of this. Whenever I'm around Matt most of the sadness goes away but now it's just always there. He's come a part of it, just like everything else. Everything now, can be linked to my parents and my depression. I'm sick and tired of it, I just want it to end. What is the point in another day. There isn't one. My life is a never ending cycle of grieving. There's supposed to be a end to the grieving cycle where you except a person death or whatever has happened to you. For me, once I learn to except I either feel guilty or something else happens to me. I'm done, so done. No one understands and no one ever will.

The thoughts raced through my brain. I sat on the cold granite floor in hysterics. What did I ever do to deserve all this?

As I sat there I heard chaos from my dorm room. Things were bing smashed, yells echoed through the halls.

Through the tears blurring my eyes I saw a figure run down the hallway in panic.

I heard Matt's yells until finally everything stopped. I thought I was starting to lose consciousness until a hand grabbed my arm roughly and pulled me along with him.

"You're coming with me," The familiar voice spoke to me.

***Matts POV***

I positioned myself in front of Morgan and put both of my hands on her shoulders. Her face was buried in her hands.

There was only one person who could be in that room. One person that would make Morgan fall into hysterics of sobbing like this.

"Morgan come on, tell me who's in there" I said impatiently. I knew who was in there, I just wanted her to tell me.

"Fuck it" I said to myself. I turned aroud on my heals and with all my strength I pushed through the door and came face to face with the person who had made Morgans life hell; Andrew.

I didn't hesitate to swing at him. He deserved to be in pain after putting Morgan through so much pain.

"That's no way to say hello" Andrew frowned as he brought his hand to where I had struck him.

Before I knew it, I had my hand on my face because of where Andrew had struck me. I didn't waste anymore time. I pounced on him, pounding him. Viciously. His back smashed against the wall. Through the corner of my eye I could see Josie scared to death, little did she know her friend was a psychopath. Andrew threw punches at me and hit me, forcing me back farther and farther until I was leaning against Morgqns bed. I threw punches back. Andrew now trew me against the wall. As the collision occurred the lost my breath. I could feel my nose slightly bleeding but most of all my back hurt from that sudden impact. None of it mattered though because Morgan was out in the hallway; a mess. Andrew and I carried on until finally my head his the window will hard enough and I blacked out.

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