Chapter 9

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After listening to the song I made my way upstairs. Matt stayed downstairs and continued working on the song and whatever else he was doing down there. I still couldn't believe he had written a song for me. My heart was still racing, and butterflies still filled my stomach.

I entered the kitchen to see my phone lighting up on the kitchen table. I had a message from Brian;

What time should we all come over tonight?

I had almost forgotten that the guys were coming over to hang out to night. I had also almost forgotten that I would be a continuing a tradition that my parents and I had. I quickly texted him back,

How about 6? I can't wait :)

The day passed by slowly, I spent it doing various activities to keep myself busy. Matt persistently worked on the album downstairs.

I suddenly heard the basement door open up, so I shut off the TV quickly and turned around.

"Well look who decided to come out of his cave" I laughed.

"Sorry, I just had a couple of songs I really had to edit" Matt sighed as he walked over to the couch and took a seat next to me.

"Don't be, I'm still an Avenged Sevenfold fan so I really want to hear the finished product of this album" I admitted.

A smile grew on Matt's face before he replied, "You can call yourself a fan all you want, but you're part of the Avenged family now"

A wide smile grew on my face.

"Welcome to the family" Matt grinned as he wrapped his arm around me. I laughed slightly, not sure what to say.

Minutes passed by slowly when a knock was heard at the door. I lifted myself up off the couch and made my way to the front door. Matt followed behind me. As I opened it I saw Brian and Jimmy standing on the front steps. Brians face lit up with excitement when he saw me. He quickly made his way through the entrance to give me a hug. He picked me up and spun me around as he did so.

"Morgan" he sang, "I missed you" He mumbled into my neck.

"I missed you too" I laughed. Brian continued holding me in the hug, I looked up to see both Jimmy and Matt laughing. I eventually was freed from Brian's strong embrace and made my way over to see Jimmy,

"How have a ya been?" Jimmy asked as he pulled me into a warm hug.

"I'm good" I smiled, "Where are the rest of the guys?" I asked.

"They're on their way" Brian answered as we all walked into the living room. As soon as we sat down another knock was heard on the door.

"I'll get it" Matt offered, as he got up and left the room.

"So what's been happening in your life?" Jimmy asked, trying to start a conversation.

"Nothing exciting" I sighed.

"How's school?" Brian asked.

"It's school." I laughed slightly, "Some day's I love it some days I hate it and it doesn't help that I have a maniac roommate"

"Oh yeah, how is she?" Brian laughed at my comment.

"I've been avoiding her as much as possible, and I haven't talked to her since you left" I admitted.

"Is she that bad?" Jimmy asked, glancing at Brian who was shaking his head.

"Yes" Brian and I said simultaneously.

"She convinced most of your fanbase that I was cheating on Brian and Matt and I was in a threesome with them" I rolled my eyes.

"She's a real sweet girl" Brian said sarcastically.

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