Chapter 21

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I woke up around five in the morning which gave me more than enough time to get ready and get over to Logan airport. In total, I got about an hour of sleep last night. I was running on empty. I pushed myself because of Matt. I would give anything just to see his face which would happen in about six hours, give or take. I was excited, but at the same time nervous. I wondered if Matt was even conscious and how badly he got hurt. Jimmy didn’t tell me the details over the phone which was probably better. It’s better to see things like that then to imagine them. My mind likes to exaggerate most things that pass through it. At this point I was anxious and hoped that I would feel better once I got onto the plane. I was always anxious before travel.

I forced myself out of bed, trudged down the vacant hallway and into the bathroom. I showed in record time and changed into a pair of black leggings, a black tanktop and an old grey sweatshirt I had that read Seattle across the front of it. I wore an old pair of black vans and I threw my hair into a ponytail. I hadn’t given it much thought but my hair had gotten considerably longer, as it was now almost half way down my back while in a ponytail. Long story short though; I like to be comfortable on planes. I was not about to dress up in heels and a nice outfit to sit for 6 hours.

I gathered all my belongings which was one backpack of my clothes, my journal, my phone charger, and my laptop.

I boarded my plane and before I knew it we were in the sky, the next stop was John Wayne airport.

I counted the hours as they dwindled by. I attempted to sleep, but was greatly unsuccessful. Sleeping is impossible when you have anxiety like me. I occupied myself to the best of my abilities by writing in my journal. I wrote some poetry. I wrote a few haikus and some traditional arabic style poems- the true names of them escape me, I only know the metre of which they’re in. Nine syllables, then thirteen. And so I wrote. I let my mind wander. It was salubrious.

human’s are all of the same species

then why do some dwell on the differences; they’re equal

time’s a concept created by man

the question now is, does it actually exist

time moves slower now that i’m aware

the awareness is killing me ever so slowly

Note: whenever I write poetry I often write what immediately comes to my mind and I rarely change it solely because I believe a poem is never done. It can always be edited. If that is so then it should be left in it’s original form.

Somehow there was only thirty minutes left of this flight and I would soon be in Huntington Beach California and off to the hospital to see Matt. At least it would most likely be sunny.

I disembarked the plane and turned on my phone to see a missed call from Brian. I hoped for the best but thought of and expected the worst as I hit the redial button.

The phone rang, and rang and rang some more.

“Hey Brian,” I greeted as someone picked up the phone.

“Hey Morgan, I’m glad that you landed safely. I’m just outside waiting in my car.”

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