Chapter 2

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***Matt's POV***

The past month, has been the worst month of my entire existence. Although Morgan was only in my life for four months it feels as though she was there forever. I had forgotten what life was life before I met her, until of course I was brutally reminded of it the day she stormed out of my house and told me she never wanted to see me again. I don't blame her. Me on the other hand, I've been a mess without her. I been depressed. I'm drunk almost every other day, and if I'm not drunk then I'm recovering from a hangover. Then of course if i'm sober, I'm moping around the house hating my life and wishing I could make things better with Morgan. Thus, meaning the cycle starts all over again because I drink simply to forget and to escape reality.

Over the past month though, I have been reading Morgan's journal religiously. I can't explain why, it's the most depressing thing I've ever seen but I like reading it. She writes like she talks, it's comforting. Maybe that's why I'm having such a hard time with this break up... I just can't seem to let go of her. I want to, but I can't, and at the same time I don't want to because Morgan is the best thing that ever happened to me, and she always will be the best thing that has ever happened to me no matter where I end up.

This morning I trudged down the stairs and into my kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee; the usual routine. I didn't hesitate to grab her Journal off of the counter where I had left it and start reading. I opened up to my favorite entry that she had written.

Death doesn't scare me. It fascinates me. It's not that I want to die, although some days this would be a false statement. Most humans live their lives fearing death and doing whatever they can to expand their lives... maybe that's not the point though. We shouldn't try to live as long as we can but as best as we can, It sounds cliché, but it's true. The point isn't to live the longest, it's to live how we want so that we can fulfill each day... Either way death is such a mysterious subject though. Maybe death isn't frightening at all though, maybe it's a serene process. Humans tend to associate death with something bad, maybe death itself isn't all that bad though… Either way, we all know what it is, but we don't know what happens after it. No one ever lives to tell the tale… Obviously. Ever since my parents passed, I've wondered... where they went. Its morbid to think that they're bodies are just rotting six feet under, so I like to believe that their souls have lived on in an afterlife of some sort. I'd like to think they're free of pain and living life carelessly in heaven. Perhaps I only believe this though because I'm afraid to think other wise... and I am. I want to believe they're still out there some where, because I want to see them again. That's why death doesn't scare me because if there is an afterlife, if there is a second chapter after our time is done here then that means I can see them again. I'd do anything to see them again. anything.

I'm not much of a reader but I couldn't help but read this over and over and again. It's so true.

I sat at my kitchen table staring out the window as thoughts raced through my head. One after another. I snapped out of my daze eventually and decided to go into my basement in attempt to write lyrics, or something.


The day passed by and I got no song writing done, I ended up sitting down there listening to various mix CD's I had made in high school until a knock at the door snapped me out of my thoughts. I had hoped it was Morgan but of course that was highly impossible. I made my way to the door to see Brian looking through the side window.

"Hey" I spoke, opening the door and letting him in.

"Hey, have you seen a blue journal around here?" Brian asked seriously. He looked like he was on a mission as he wandered around my living room.

"You mean Morgan's journal?" I asked, even though I knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Yeah, have you seen it?" Brian's face lit up as he stopped his search.

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