Chapter 13

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Once we got home Matt went downstairs and I made my way upstairs to change into some sweatpants and a tshirt. Although I heard Matt saying those things about me, part of me didn't believe him, mostly because of the fact that whenever I made myself believe something i partially denied it as well. I walked over to my bag at the end of Matt's bed and pulled out my journal and attacked the page with words.

Today. This is going to be a semi-boring journal entry considering the fact that I'm writing this down so I never forget these words and when I do, I'll have them in here to look at. Today Matt introduced me to his parents and I overheard him and his dad talking. Eavesdropping I know, it's nosy. I overheard Matt explaining to his dad how he wants to Marry me and that he's thinks I'm the one. I knew Matt loved me but marriage. Marriage as in giving away your heart to someone. As in not havin to worry about finding someone to love. As in being set for the rest of your life. Marriage. Part of me knows I would always get married, but there's another part of me that denied it. I mean I'm a pessimist so denying things is my nature. But he said the words; I think she's the one and I want to marry her. I don't know wht it is about the thought of marriage but it makes me feel really comfortable. Wow. That's an awful word to describe my feelings towards marriage but it makes sense; it's comfortable because then I'm set for life. I just hope Matt is willing to wait 6 years for me to marry him because if my parents had 1  rule it was: don't get married before your 25. I agree with them, and of course I will do anything to make them happy. There's scientific reasoning behind their request though; the human brain is not fully grown until you're 25, the part that is still growing in it until your 25 is the part that helps you to make decisions. So, point said. There ya have it. Wow. Goodbye. Oh and this time, I really hope my theory is wrong.

I closed my journal and ran my fingers around the worn out edges. It was fraying on one side. On the front were various drawings and words. Whenever I was bored I would take out the journal and draw or write in it, let's just say I've been bored alot in the 19 years of my life. As I stared at my journal I felt someone sit down next to me; Matt.

"Hey, whatcha writing?" He mumbled into my ear as he kissed the side of my head.

"Nothing" I smiled as I threw the journal into my bag.

"Can I read it?" Matt smirked.

"Not yet," I smiled.

Matt seemed slightly disappointed but brushed it off quickly.

"So, can we talk about something" Matt began.

"Yes" I said quietly, not sure what Matt would say.

"You heard my dad and I talking in the garage today?"

I nodded my head.

"So you heard what I said?" He asked.

"Yes." I nodded.

"About marriage?" He continued his question.

"I believe so, I mean I could of heard you wrong but as-"

"Morgan I want to marry you" Matt cut me off suddenly. My heart starte beating faster as he said it, of course I already knew this but him saying it to me made it seem real.

"You do?" I asked, "like you really do?"

"Yes Morgan, I do. Ever since we started dating I honestly can't picture myself with anyone else. You're perfect for me and I know you don't think this but your perfect in every possible way and your more than I could ever ask for." He mused.

"Matt, I'm speechless" I said truthfully.

Matt just smiled.

"Matt, I want to marry you too but you realize I'm only 19, right" I sighed.

"Of course, I can wait for you" he smirked.

"I hope you're willing to wait 6 years then" I admitted.

"Really?" Matt said cautiously.

"Yes" I said flatly.

"So that would make you 25, why do you want to get married then?"

"My parents didn't want me getting married before then" I said softly.

"Oh" Matt exhaled, "6 years isn't that long and I'm willing to wait, I know you want to make your parents happy and I do to."

I smiled, "I'm so lucky"

"Nah I'm luckier" Matt said as he pulled me into a hug.


I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating. I leaned my odd over to the nightstand to see who it was; Brian was calling me.

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