Chapter 5

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I left Brian's hotel room after what happened between us. I walked through the city and back to my dorm room. I was dreading seeing Josie but I just shrugged it off, if there's one thing I'm good at it, that one thing was ignoring people. Silence is my favorite thing. Besides, I had an essay to write on the Berlin Wall anyhow so I would be buried in homework and notes.

I walked through the dim day, it was raining lightly. Dreary is the way to describe it. I walked with my arms across my chest and my head down, watching my feet.

I eventually made it back to my dorm room. Thankfully, Josie wasn't here. I plopped myself down on my bed and began the second thing i'm good at; procrastination. I pulled out my journal and began writing. Seeing Matt's letter in the front brought a slight smile to my face. I took out a pen and began filling the page with thoughts.

Wow, it's been a while since I've written in here. A lot has happened. Matt and I broke up, well technically, but we're good now… hopefully. I started college. Northeastern, the college mom and dad wanted me to go to. I have a suckish roommate, Josie is her name. Today was interesting, Brian and I shared what you could consider a very intimate moment. We decided that we wouldn't tell anyone of what had happened between us though and we decided that was as far as we would ever go. I knew that was only a 'for now' deal because if Matt decided to break up with me somewhere down the road I knew Brian would be my shoulder to cry on and inevitably we would end up together because of a little phenomena called fate. Although I hope and I mean truly hope everything between Matt and I will work out because I really do love him. I didn't regret what happened between Brian and I though, not one bit. I felt something. It wasn't a spark like when I kiss Matt but it was something else. Something comforting and pleasant. I'm trying to ignore it but everything I recall the event I get butterflies in my stomach. Wow wow wow am I procrastinating. Time to write a paper on the Berlin Wall… Until next time… if there is one, see ya.


The week faded away, I said goodbye to Brian at the airport. It was nothing more than a hug thankfully. I spent most of my time in classes and the rest of my free time studying because I had nothing better to do. The weeks slowly faded by, one after another. I ignored Josie for most of them, and she stayed out of my way. Whenever we made eye contact I gave her a death glare. I wasn't even mad at her I just wanted to show her that i'm not someone to fuck with. The weeks continued to pass until finally the Saturday before Thanksgiving came.

The saturday I got to fly to California.

The day I get to see Matt.

My flight was at 5 in the evening so I would arrive in Huntington at about 7 or so. I woke up the morning of, with butterflies in my stomach. I guess I was nervous with how things were going to go with Matt. I packed my bags, making sure to bring everything I would need. I spent most of the day sitting on my computer, watching the time slowly tick away, the same way I spent all of my days. I have a boring life. I decided to leave early, so that I would have enough time and I figured an airport was a more interesting place to hang out than a boring old dorm room.

I took the MBTA to Logan Airport. I made my way though security, luckily none of the lines were too long. I made my way through the hallways before I finally made it to the Jet Blue gate, the same gate I came to when I was 13 and I went to San Francisco with my mom and dad.

Hours later, I boarded my plane and was headed to California.


I made it to the airport. I was super tired and barley functioning. I had told Brian to meet me at the gate if he could. I didn't see him but I noticed a familiar figure. His back was facing my direction. He was tall, had a buzz cut, wore black jeans and a black jacket. It was Matt. I slowly walked up behind him, not sure what I was going to do. In my head I fantasized jumping on his back and having him pick me up and spin me in circles, but then I realized that god forbid it's not Matt, I wouldn't want to give a stranger a heart attack.

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