Chapter One : Then why does nobody look like you?

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It is an amazing feat when you progress through change. Through pain, struggle, loss of all hope.  To be able to face it and have all the tales to tell was something, Jared Warren could do with a proud smile. Compared to the reckless kid he was, one might say he has done a little more than okay.

With all the tragedy that seemed to follow his life in the past, he was sure he would not be alive today. He could not see any future. Not while she was gone. At the newly turned age of nineteen, he learned that he fathered twins with his childhood best friend and love of his life, shanaé'. A shocking discovery as she had kept them secret for two years. However, tragedy struck as the two found love through each other again, her abusive lunatic of an ex-husband took it upon himself to abduct and run away with her. Nearly killing his brother in the process. They have not been seen or heard from since.

Making matters worse his deceptive ex-girlfriend, Angelica decided to leave town and their six-week-old daughter on his family home doorstep. Within a matter of weeks, both mothers of his children were gone. One taken by force and the other proving that she only knew how to be selfish.

So how? How did he manage to overcome it all? How did he do it when he barely had his own life together? How could he have looked after three babies when he hardly looked after himself? How was he supposed to be able to take care of them when he could not do the same for her. At one point he did not want to. At another, he did not know how to. In what way could a nineteen-year-old raise three kids.

Nevertheless, he persevered. Losing shanaé tore him apart. To this day there is still a hole in his heart and it gives him one million reasons to stop living. Having his kids gave him two million reasons each to live. He had no idea how to be a parent. Having grown up with parents he thought it would have been easy but it was hell. One never feels regret for the things they do to their parents until they are blessed with their kids.

Thankfully he was not left alone. His family. He would be complete toast without them and he knew it. Nothing was the same without Shane. She was his future wife. They were supposed to raise their kids together. She was supposed to be here for her kids. Having a lifeline consisting of his parents and everyone else made it easier.

Today, Jared Anthony Warren was the proud father of two brilliant ten-year-olds and a bubbly eight-year-old. Gems of which he could not picture his world without.

"Everyone has everything?" He questioned locking the front door. 

The three of them looked at him mischievous grins plastered all over their faces. "What?"

"Daddy, your bag." Janaé, his eldest daughter giggled.

Smacking his forehead he handed her the keys to the jeep and ran back inside for his duffel bag. He would forget his head if one of them did not remind him. With the kids all buckled up in the jeep he locked the gate and headed to the driver's seat. A slight chill passed through him leaving an uneasy feeling in the air. He looked around catching a slight movement by a tree on the other side of the road.

"Jared?" A familiar but unwelcomed voice called.

No, not today. He ignored it. Two years and that man still did not get it. Jared did not want him in any part of his life. There was no room for him. There would never be room for him.

"I just want to talk." He pleaded.

"There is nothing to talk about." Jared spat.

"Just two minutes, Jared." He replied walking closer. "Can't you give me a chance?"

"I'm busy old man. Don't be around here when I get back." Jared got into his jeep and drove off.

"Who is he, daddy?" Janaé questioned.

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