"Okay, we don't want to ruin the surprise. Do you have plans to further you choreography career?" She asked.
"Um?" I chuckled nervously.
"What choreography career?"
"Well there's a video of you dancing with your partner but no one can identify her." She said.

Just then a video of me and Bey dancing when we thought we were in private played on the screen. I turned to the curtain where Bey looked just as shocked. She was just as shocked as I was.

"All we know is that you two are really good and she has very curly, brown hair." She egged on. I was so embarrassed and shocked. How did they even get into the studio?
"Um, my partner is very good and shy. I'll definitely tell her about this video though." I smiled faintly.

"Well a few have the idea that it's Beyoncé, your girlfriend, and others think it's Misty Copeland." She continued.
Omg! Just stop! I must look like a damn strawberry!

I had nothing to say, what am I supposed to say!? 'Oh yeah! That's me and my now fiancée dancing when we thought we were in private. After this we showered together and made love to each other until the sun came.'

I sat there, dumbfounded. I knew something like this would've happened. I didn't say anything, I just stared at Bey from the curtain.

"Jaden?" Ellen asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Yes?" I smiled.
"Are you okay?" She laughed a little, repositioning herself in her seat.
"Do you think we could take a quick break?" I asked, embarrassed.
"Yes. We'll see how Jaden comes up with her amazing songs once we come back from the break." She signed off to the cameras.

"And we're off!" The director said as I ran, or as much of a 'run' I can do in heels.

"Jaden!" Bey called after me.
I got to the dressing room and grabbed my phone and my anxiety pills.
"Baby, take a pill and calm down for me. It isn't your fault so don't worry." She said as she slowly approached me.

"Please don't. I ruined it." I said as I called Misty. She has to know and then I have to think of plan.
"Baby you didn't-" GCO
"Hey Misty! When you get this call me immediately, I need to talk to you about something very important. Please call me immediately. Bye." I said as I hung up.

I grabbed my water and took my pill. Bey slowly walked to me.
"Please don't. I ruined it, here's your ring." I sighed as I took it off. It really hurt to take it off, my heart broke as I watched it slip off my fingers.

"Shut up Jaden!" Bey slightly yelled, making me jump.
"You didn't ruin anything. Why do you do this? Why do you look down on yourself all the time? I mean I know why but you don't have to listen to anything she said. That was so long ago and you're so amazing. Stop viewing yourself so low, please. You're never gonna see how much I really love you if you can't stop being so stubborn."

I slumped into the couch before just, crying. I couldn't control it, but as the tears rolled down my eyes I felt better.
"Just let it out baby. You just need to release your stress." She said as she rubbed my back.
"You're so bipolar." I cried as she rubbed my back.

"I'm sorry, but when I watch you talk yourself down it makes me wish I could show you how I see you. To me you're perfect, not a single flaw. And your hair is always so beautiful without you even trying. And I purposely wake up early on Sundays to see you wake up. I love the way your light brown eyes flutter open and the way you say 'good morning baby.' in your morning voice. You make me the luckiest person on earth." She said as I stared into her eyes. They were full of lust and truth.I quickly wiped my face and sniffed my pain away.

"I fucking love you." I said before pulling her face to mine. We shared a slow, passionate kiss but it was different. There was a shock that I've never felt before, it surprised me.

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