chapter 9

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two weeks later.....

reader pov

i was actually surprised when i got the notification that he had followed me back. ill admit i sorta stalked him for the past couple of weeks. it wasn't just his body that got me interested. this guy is something else. i was scrolling through some of his most recent posts.

Dear Admirers,

yes, its me again. the proprietor of this blog, law. this note is to tell some of you guys why in most cases, you never receive an answer from me.

is it wrong that just because i find you attractive, doesnt mean i want to hook up right now? why is it so hard for you all to realize that, contrary to popular belief, i respect myself enough to know that you only like me for my body? im not so desperate for love that ill take it anyway its handed to me. i dont want sex. i know that might be hard for you to believe since that makes our world go around but sex isn't at the forefront of my mind.

what i want is love, people. not just physical love but....i want to connect with him on an emotional and mental level too. yes i want him to be good looking but that shouldn't be what makes him attractive. he shouldn't be much older than i, tall, handsome. it matters not what skin color he has because all are beautiful in their own way. perhaps the most important thing in my mind is that he should have a mind. a strong and beautiful mind. one that knows challenges and has worked through them, only coming out stronger for the next time. i want someone who has not only known failure, but success as well. someone who is strong minded and strong willed.

its probably obvious that im not a man of many lovers, overwhelmingly so. i am picky on who i chose to give my heart too. my body is not just a temple, its a shrine. i merely want someone who will respect, admire, and worship it: not defile it.

and so, with nary a heavy heart or burdened mind, i do find myself rejecting offer after offer. how do you catch my attention?

try not to make so obvious that you ONLY want to have sex with me. be more than good looks, and perhaps most of all, know a thing or two  about this world.

with love,

Law, the Heart Stealer

i was touched. i had never known a person to be so deep in my life. i reblogged it, attaching the short message 'when life has given you so many lemons, you grow tired way to easily of the flavor. this is someone who wants oranges or apples. a pleasant surprise from what's typically available'. it was a short but rather accurate summation of what i was feeling about the letter.

i sighed. me? i actually climbed to popularity rather quickly. i follow a few choice blogs, usually composed of art, funny comics, clever lines with various purposes, but the thing that got the most likes was the photo set boa insisted on posting. it was for a line of clothing from one of the clients. the owner personally asked that i be in the shoot. boa got a hold of the 40 or so pictures and posted various collages on my tumblr page. loads of reblogs, likes, as well as a few comments. it was nice that i was appealing but honestly i was feeling like mr Heart stealer right now. they like body but none of them want to know me.

on a better note, today was the day of my check up. it felt as though i had a cold for the past week. lots of sneezing, watery eyes, not to mention a fever. the cold medicine boa brought worked well enough but i like to make sure. i made my way to the downtown hospital and was sent to a room. i was instructed to remove my shirt and put on a gown. didnt think it was necessary but im not a doctor. then, after roughly 10 or so minutes of waiting, a man walked in. short black unkempt hair complimented his lean frame. he had turned his back to me before i could get a good look at his face. he wore a long doctor's jacket. "how are you doing today, mr (L/n)?" he asked. his voice was complex. not too deep, not to high pitched. dripping with intelligence. "ive seen better days, doctor," i said. he chuckled. "im not a doctor just yet. im merely an intern who has worked here for a while. just started my senior year actually," he said. "and they let you work on patients?" i asked, feeling a bit wary. "please dont worry. no i dont do anything serious. im merely a glorified nurse if you will. i have to look the part. now...." he turned around, putting his stethoscope in his ears. my eyes widened, instantly recognizing that face. i smiled.

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