chapter 2

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the next day.....

reader pov

i jumped up, quickly glancing at the clock, 6:27 am. IM GONNA BE LATE!!i quickly got out of the bed, falling right to the floor with an oomph. i shook my head rapidly to shake off the daze before i worked myself to my feet. i didnt have time to shower here. i need to get back home and its not a short distance away, i might add. i pulled on my undies and slipped on my socks. i heard some groaning. a quick glance back showed the guy from last night, laying face down with his back exposed. he was under the covers and one hand was blindly reaching towards where i was just laying at. i sighed. i didnt see that coming. not at all. i wont deny i feel good right now though. good sex followed by a good night's sleep was just what i needed, not having either in the last couple of weeks. i pulled on the rest of my clothes and reached into my wallet, pulling out two crisp hundred dollar bills. im not agreeing to being his 'sugar daddy' or whatever but i can give him some money. i have to admit that was some good sex. i tossed it in my place before grabbing my jacket and walking out the door.

the receptionist held her nose when i came to stand in front of her. "im sorry. dont have time to shower right now. that room was just for last night. take it off my credit card," she nodded and i walked out. i got right in my car, making a mental note to clean it out later. this is the first time that i haven't been completely clean when getting in my car so ill have to clean it out probably after work today. i pulled right off.

i was a blur. as soon as i pulled into my driveway, i ran up to the stairs, quickly putting in my code to get in my house. right up the stairs, stripping on the way. "start the shower!!" i told the house as i finally made it to the bathroom. the shower was already at the right temperature when i got in. a hot shower and i was in the room, digging through my closet for a suit. i found a classic black and white one and quickly moved to put it on. i glanced at the clock, 7:42 am. i need to get a move on. ill have to grab breakfast on the way. i fixed my tie and made sure everything was in the order, leaving out a quarter past eight.


crocodile pov

i pulled into the parking deck, choosing a spot pretty close to the door. i parked. i glanced at the clock, 8:30 am. i was early. that's....good i guess. compared to being late, id say that's pretty good. i woke up at 7 today, figuring that was enough time to get ready and make it here on time. roughly a 30 minute drive, with a pit stop at mcdonalds for a sausage mc muffin with cheese, a parfait, and some oj to wash it all down with. i popped a breath mint and sucked on it until it was fully dissolved. i breathed into my hand and took a whiff. spearmint and orange. refreshing. i looked in the mirror. hair was good, teeth were clear, suit was clear of debris and wrinkles. a glimmer of silver drew my attention to my write arm. no matter how many times i look at it, i still cant get used to it. its been a full year since the accident and roughly six months since ive recovered but i still cant get used to it not being there. the scar across the middle of my face was easy enough to get over. hell, it actually looked pretty badass if i dont say so myself left hand. it was gone. completely. nothing but a nub now. the accident was pretty brutal and i wont deny i sometimes have nightmares where i relive it.

i was coming down the i-87, a highway that wrapped around a mountainside, on my way back from a long and tedious work conference. it was dark but the road was adequately lit. i was doing just five or so miles over the speed limit. nothing to jump over hurdles about. everything was going normal. that was until i passed what i only now know as a hidden driveway that lead to a manufacturing area roughly three or so miles away. i had passed by it, breaking just enough to round the hill when a truck, not a semi but a regular truck, had jutted out from that hidden drive. it had hit the back end of my car causing me to tail spin into the mountainside wall. the impact from my car hitting it was intense enough to shatter the windshield, sending debris towards my face. i was able to dodge most of it but one piece slashed right through the center of my face, just above my nose, giving me the scar i have now but that was the lightest injury i had. my hand had been sitting on the window that was down at the time, my hand reaching out to discard the ash from my cigar when i was hit. the tail spin was so intense that i didnt have time to react and pull my hand back in before it smashed into the wall beside me. every bone in it was shattered and the hand appeared as if it were being stretched until it pulled off my wrist, splattered as it smeared against the wall until the car fully stopped. i was already drowsy from the massive loss of blood but i managed to let out a scream, "CALL 911!!" i told my car. just minutes later, the paramedics were reaching into the car, attempting to pull me out. upon seeing the condition of my hand and face, one paramedic did some emergency stitching on my face, enough to close up the wound, while the other was forced to perform an emergency amputation. i had to watch with tears as the man pulled out a surgery scalpel and cut my hand off at the wrist. they quickly wrapped the wound and i was taken out the car and rushed to the hospital. they did find the guy who hit me, not even hours later. he had attempted to run but didnt get very far before the truck he was in, a 32 year old rust bucket that was given to him by his father, broke down on the highway. he had to call the police who in turn found that he was the guy who hit and tried to run. he had liability insurance so the car was taken care of but he was trying to get off with a simple sorry. like he hadn't made me permanently disabled for the rest of my life because of his carelessness. the vehicle he owned had more violations that anyone could count. the head lights were missing, the reason i didnt see him coming towards me, as well as his tail lights and a variety of other things, not to mention what he had did to my otherwise infallible body. fortunately i made it out with just the missing hand and scar across my face but that blessing was nothing to quell the rage i had with in me when i was told the reason he was rushing in the first place: to get home faster and play his video games. i could see if he were rushing home because he left his gas stove on or something of the like but......really? needless to say i was merciless in court. i sued him for 1 million, covering the medical bills and my car as well as around ten thousand for traumatizing me. i won, of course, and that was it for him. the court took his house, his three other newer cars, as well as every penny he earns for the next ten or so years. he is homeless now and every penny he makes for a very long time will belong to me.

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