chapter 8

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one month later.....

bill pov

i wasn't until i was in front of my lawyer that i realized how rotten that dirty son of a bitch is. "im sorry to tell you this but.....teach said it was all your idea. my guess is that the police offered a reduced sentence if he confessed who the mastermind was. it appears he also had evidence too. a recorded conversation between you two was submitted," said my lawyer. "recorded conversation? that son of a bitch!!" of course he was prepared to put this all on me from the start. his twisted ass probably edited something i said during the planning sessions we had to make it seem like i was the one who pitched the idea. "the bad thing is that....well he succeeded, bill. they cut his sentence from ten to five years while tacking another five years on your sentence. good news is that i was able to talk the court into reducing it to eight.....if you confess to it being all you," he said. i sighed. "i dont have a choice, do i?" i asked, defeated. "good news is that the properties that was bought with the money was appraised for more money than what was originally thought. the company is suing for 56 million and the property was appraised for 50 million. i know 6 million is alot but.....its alot more manageable than 56, right?" he didnt seem to have any hope behind his words. "its....its fine. cant really change it anyway. at least there is a chance i could make that in the next 50 years," i grunted. "well its good news none the less. now....i do have a few details that id like to discuss with you before we head into the court room," he said. i nodded.

i was lead through the middle aisle in handcuffs. they had literally arrested me in the middle of my living room of my actual house. i dont know how they found me. the hearing started. i didnt even care. i just wanted this day out the way. get me a comfy cot in prison. i heard some chatter as the door opened again, this time revealing a woman closely followed by the sexiest man ive ever seen in my life. "omg! i cant believe he said that!" said the woman. "after we just started dating too! if he would have told me in the first place, i would have done so sooner. guess he favor's independence," the guy shrugged. they took their place across the aisle from where me and my lawyer stood. they started talking to the judge but i couldn't get my eyes off the guy. i dont know what it was about him but i honestly want to do freaky things with him right the fuck now. like right in front of these people. oh god. i think i might bust just looking at him. "....honestly, we just want to be compensated for our time and money. this was just a case of carelessness on my part for not checking into the background of these guys in the first time. im not out to ruin people's lives. my lawyer told me that the property was appraised for more than the original amount. i say lets call it even," the guy's voice....goddamn. what is he doin to me?! "what about the crimes committed? not to mention the secrets that you told these gentlemen. surely there is more you'd like for them," damn i wish the judge would just shut the fuck up. i wanna hear more of his voice. "your honor, if i may?" the woman said. he nodded. "they worked for two weeks. nothing important is revealed until they have been working over a year. i made sure that we prepared at least for that. nothing they know right now can hurt us. i made sure of it," she said. the judge nodded. "well, the court cant let those crimes go unpunished but we can reduce the sentence. the court sentences the two involved to five years in maximum security prison. no chance for parole. after they have paid their debt to society, they arent allowed to apply in any way to another marketing firm forever," the judge banged his gavel.

i was relieved. still got time behind bars but ill be living when i get out. didnt think he would be a nice guy either. i remember the guy who fucked up smoker's life. good thing i did give him some money so he could get out of debt and get back on his feet. heard he moved away a while ago. yeah i was bummed but im gonna be in prison for a while so its not like we could hang out. i sighed. this is gonna suck. everyone started filing out the court. i looked back at the guy. he was still chatting with the woman about whatever. i sighed. i wonder if things hadn't turned out like this, would i have a snowballs chance in hell of getting a piece of that? guess i have the next five years to picture what ifs?

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