chapter 6

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author's note: im using the time skip coby, cause he is better looking ya know.

two days later....

crocodile pov

i had taken doffy's advice and went on the hunt for an assistant. i was actually surprised at how many applications i received in just a couple of days. i had just posted the job roughly six days ago now and i have over three thousand applications. good thing i know how to us the ATS or id be here forever. i did what most employers do and chose the top twenty or so. some phone interviews disqualified 15 of them for various reasons and i was down to five good applicants. i called in the top candidate, coby Jenkins. he was quirky but his resume was amazing. i got a call not long ago saying that he was on his way up and i finally heard the intercom. "come in," i said. the door opened and i face palmed. the pink haired kid from the other night made his way inside, the brightest of smiles on his face as he sat across from me. "didnt think id see you again so soon," he said, crossing his legs. he wore a plain black and white suit, showing alot of professionalism, too bad we fucked like two days ago now. formality is already out the window. "please dont make this weird, coby. i didnt plan on seeing you again either, let alone in front of me looking for a job," i grunted, taking a puff of my cigar. he looked exactly the same, right down to the green scarf he was wearing. there is no mistake that we had sex not to long ago. " are the one who is making this weird. i know how to be professional," he said, a dissatisfied smirk on his pretty ass face. i pulled up his resume.

"lets see how much of your resume is true, shall we?" i raised a brow. he chuckled. "try me," he said.

"fluent in French?"

"Vous pensez vraiment que j'aurais menti sur mon CV pour un emploi comme celui-ci?"

(author's note: 'you really think i would lie on my resume for a job like this?')

"you'd be surprised. ive disqualified 15 people for lying,"

"next question,"

"clean passport,"


"fast typer,"

"120 wpm. 180 on a good day. perfect accuracy is a given,"

"Microsoft suite,"

"my last job was a secretary for another fortune five hundred company. you guys pay more," he said with a smirk. i couldn't deny that. i did a full background on the top five, including checking up on the references. he is legit. i sighed. "is that it? or are you trying to find a reason not to hire me cause we fucked Saturday night? cause im pretty sure that is illegal," he grunted. "its actually not illegal to disqualify someone because we had sex. i shouldn't have to tell you that sexual harassment is illegal and is taken very seriously," i glared at him. he just raised his hands in surrender. i looked over his resume once more, still not finding a discrepancy. there is no doubt he is the most qualified for this job. i sighed. not to mention how i hate giving interviews. i did it three times and i gave the job to doffy. he told me i had to do this one cause they were gonna be my assistant. "ill give you the job on one condition...." he perked up at that. i cant believe i was gonna ask this but...."....never mind. you can have the job. just dont make me regret this," i grunted. i couldn't ask him to let know, every now and again. im not a top but he had a great ass. it felt good in my hands. he chuckled. "if it was 'coby, will you be my boyfriend?' its totally a yes," he grinned. "that wasn't it at all," i grunted. "well.....can it be an option? that night was.....really good," he twiddled his thumbs with a dark blush. "lets just focus on the job, coby. i dont want a relationship like that with one of my employees, besides.....i already have my eye on someone," it will take a while but im building the courage. i might be able to talk to him in a few days. i dont know. we will see. he chuckled. "id like to see this man," he said. "fuck no. lets get to work," i grunted, pulling out a stack of papers. "i need these typed by the end of the day," he pouted.

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