People Like Her ch.12

Start from the beginning

He started to slice and chop at the roots--but they had strengthened to appear to be metal themselves. Cyan stumbled back as the roots grew thicker and thicker. Only when she stepped back did she realize that she was standing alone on the opposite side of the root-wall.

"Z-Zethan!! Zethan---it's trapping me!!" Cyan whimpered, quickly dropping to the ground and digging.

"Brin! Brin--kick in the wall!" Zethan yelled.

Brin hurriedly did so, and the steely tangles bent under her foot. She kicked at it repeatedly, desperately.

Cyan watched, her heart calming as Brin's foot appeared through the metal.

They'll get me out, she thought. I'll just step right out, and we'll continue walking.

She kept those comforts hostage in her mind as the sound approached behind her.

It was the sound of rock crumbling, of the cave shaking, of something unknown becoming louder and louder, creeping closer and closer.

As Brin began to kick the opening wider, the wall behind Cyan crumbled. She jumped and screamed as the hand reached in and touched her back.

And suddenly the whole wall caved in. Cyan yelled in terror as she hurriedly scratched and clawed at the dirt.

Hands stuck in through the hole of the metallic root wall, they were of anybody who could reach in. Cyan recognized the tattoo on one, and grasped it between her bloody palms. She could hear Zethan yelling out demands at her. Specifically she was to defend herself and push the intruder away.

But all Cyan did was sob and yell as she clutched Zethan's hand in desperation.

"Fight Cyan!! Fucking fight!!" Zethan yelled as he grinded his teeth and grabbed at Cyan's hands.

"--I can't!!! I can't---I just can't!!!"

The male stepped up to Cyan. His thick black boots seemed to crumble the dirt beneath them. He towered over Cyan, so much so that she had to angle her head upwards to manage a glimpse of his face.

He was not the stranger from the day before.

He wore thick black jeans that were roughened and weathered. They had links and chains sewn into the sides, reflecting the black leather jacket he wore. He was of strong build, with a broad neck and strong jawline. He had black straight hair that stuck up higher round his scalp than his temples. His skin was tanner than that of Zethan's, and his perfect grin wider.

He gazed down at Cyan with deep brown gleaming eyes.

He simply crouched, took Cyan's waist between his hands, and she was defenseless. Zethan was gripping Cyan's hands hard enough to make her flinch.

Cyan watched in horror as a firm hand laid on the ground beside her. She winced at the deep scarring that circled the man's wrists and palms. Almost as if a spinning torrent of blazing fire had grazed past his hands and arms.

Just beneath his palm, the dusty dirt glowed a brilliant cyan. And just as Cyan looked up to Zethan's hand, she froze as the metal roots sprouted from the dirt. They were glowing red, evincing an immense heat that Cyan could feel making her sweat.

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