Chapter 26: replacement

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Alex's p.o.v

I finally woke up from the awful dream. I saw Gray sitting on the chair in the corner of my room.

I walked over and slightly tapped his shoulder.

"Gray.. hey wake up sleep head." I said.

He moaned and groaned until he had finally actually opened his eyes. He stretched every part of his body.

"Well that was a little dramatic." I laughed.

"Hey shush. I was sleeping here to make sure you were ok. I was quite uncomfortable." He replied.

"Well then maybe some breakfast will make you feel better." I smiled.

We both made our way downstairs to make some breakfast. As I stood in front of the stove flipping pancakes, Gray walked into the living room to watch tv.

"Hey, do you want waffles too?" I asked Gray while looking into the cabinet above me.

"No I'm ok with just pancakes. Thank you." He replied.

I finished making pancakes, and we both sat down to eat.

"I wanna thank you Gray." I said.

"Why. What did I do?" He asked.

"Well you've been the only one who has helped me through this. I mean I thought that Brianna and Sam were my friends, but ever since Chandler lost his memory it's like they've disappeared. I just wanna thank you for the things you've done for me." I smiled.

"Listen Alex, I've honestly grown feelings for you, but I know that you love chandler. It hurts because you feel this way. I wish he would just remember you because that would mean that you're happy. That's all I want." He replied.

My smile faded. I sat there. I thought of how much he's done for me. He has feelings for me. I mean yea I do too, but I don't know how to deal with this. I feel something, but it's not the same thing that I felt with Chandler.

"I'm really sorry Gray. Yes I have feelings for you too, but I love Chandler, and I don't think that will ever change. I love that you're here for me, and I hope that I can always have you here if I need it." I looked down. I couldn't look him in the face.

Suddenly, I don't know what got to my head, but I kissed him. I opened my eyes and my lips were against his. His eyes were widened. He then slowly closed them and kissed back.

I don't know what I was thinking. I slowly pulled away and just stared. He looked at me and smiled.

"Listen Alex, you make me really happy. Whenever I'm around you all I do is smile and laugh. You helped me when Hana cheated on me. Yes it hurt seeing her with chandler, but it didn't hurt as much as how much I knew you'd be broken."

I walked around the table and hugged him. He treats me right. He treats me the way I should he treated. I don't know why I was doing this.

I miss Chandler, but I think I love Gray.

Lol sorry guys. I update super slow, but trust me I'm not dead. I wanna die in like a desert or something, but here you go with another update. I PROMISE you that chandler will show back up soon, and I'm sorry. I know this is a chandler fanfic, but I have to continue with the story to make it interesting. Things will get better soon.

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