My answer seemed to please him, until a slight frown formed on his face, "Don't you ever think that right person could be, you?"

Why was he so persistent in thinking that Colton and I have something together? I mean, there were those rumors every once in awhile consisting of Colton and I, but I just ignored them because I knew we would never end up together.

"I never really thought of that." I replied nonchalantly.

I immediately cleared the expression of confusion on my face and said, "So, I would make you answer the same question about Quinn, but I think everyone knows the answer to that."

The two corners of his mouth turned up a bit, but then went back to a blank expression, "Yeah, everyone does know about Quinn and I, and that's what bothers me the most."

"That your relationship isn't as private as you wanted it to be?" I questioned him.

He shook his head, " No, I'm fine with people knowing. But what bothers me is how she just flaunts around our relationship as if it's some parade float. Sometimes I think she's only with me for show, you know? Like there's no actual connection in the relationship, that thought always crosses my mind, but I just push it away, trying to convince myself that it isn't true. I'm always trying to make myself believe that she actually likes me for me, not because I'm Jayce Reynolds the football player, but because I'm just Jayce, who sometimes likes to read novels and do other things besides party with cool kids, and just plays football as a hobby."

"I didn't know you felt that way." I replied.

He smirked with no amusement behind it, "No one ever does. They see me as the popular football guy, who dates the pretty cheerleader, hangs out with all the cool kids, and sticks to what looks right in our school. But what if what looks right - isn't what I want?" He stared down at his reflection in the water, looking at it with disgust, "Everyone expects something from me, to be the perfect all around guy, with a perfect life, and everyone just expects me to go along with what they want, and sometimes I just can't. And it sucks because no one understands that, not my parents, not Parker, not Miles, not Quinn, no one."

"You're not the perfect football guy, Jayce. You're life isn't perfect, because let's face it, no ones is. You say everyone expects you to date the pretty cheerleader and to hang out with the cool kids, but it's obvious that's not what you want. I don't understand why you can't just break out from the clique you're in." I glanced at his face, the light from the moon cascading onto it, "Just because cheerleaders and football players hangout with each other, doesn't mean you have to be with them all the time. I know you want to be different from everyone else by hanging out with whoever you want, but unfortunately that's how things work." I inhaled, trying to get more oxygen into my system from my little lecture to him, "You go out there, and you sit next to people like me, everyone will talk. Quinn will drag you back to the 'popular' table and your friends would talk some sense into you. You go out there and you talk to me openly in public, it'll ruin you. Everyone will call you a loser for talking to someone like me. And as much as you want to change how things are with yourself, truth is you can't because everyone expects something from you, and you're too nice of a person to let them down."

I sighed, rubbing my hands over my bare arms due to the cold weather. Just then, suddenly I felt something soft wrap around me. I turned to look, and wrapped around my back was Jayce's letterman jacket. As usual, all football players earned one. I've never really worn one, besides the one time Cam let me wrap his jacket around my waist when I had a little Mother Nature stain on my pants in sophomore year. But I liked this time better.

"Put your sleeves through, it'll help you keep warm." He insisted.

I shook my head, trying to give it back to him, "Uh I better not. The girlfriend is supposed to be the one wearing this, not me."

He declined and wrapped the jacket around me tighter, "Quinn has never even worn this before. I don't believe that she is special enough to get the honor of wearing my leather man."

I raised an eyebrow at him, "But she's your girlfriend."

"Yes I know, but maybe I'm reconsidering that." He replied with all seriousness.

I shook my head and laughed, he was probably joking. I did what he told, and put my arms through the sleeves. The jacket smelled like firewood, lavender, and vanilla, which seemed to be what he smelt like. I could feel the warmth of him around me, even though it was just a piece of clothing. The end of the sleeves covered my hands, and this could basically be a dress on me if I stood up.

"Anyways, next question." I said, continuing on the game. "Why were you in my room yesterday?"

He grinned and swung his legs back and forth, "Simple. I was looking for you."

Looking at him suspiciously, I took his answer, "Why were you looking for me?"

He made a 'tsk' sound and replied, "I believe it's my turn to ask the question, wait your turn bookworm."

"Ask away then." I said. "And, might I add, that nickname will never catch on, just wait and see."

He muttered a "whatever." and scooted closer to me, his shoulder touching mine. His right arm was stretched out behind me, his hand leaning on the wooden platform for support.

"Why don't you stand up for yourself? I see the way you act around me, your friends, Parker, Cameron, but when it comes to Miles and Quinn, you lock yourself up. You don't act like the real Alexandria Simmons, the one who stands up for herself by acting sassy and confident."

"I really don't know how to answer that Jayce." I said honestly.

He smirked, "Well then let me."

I laughed, "Whatever you say, I'm not that girl that you think I am, believe me."

"Oh, but you are that girl Alex. You put up an act; you show other people that you're some shy and naïve girl who hides behind her books and long hair to give people a message saying that you don't want anyone to bother you. You built up these imaginary walls that have no intention in coming down because you like how things are now, you like things when they're normal and boring. But guess what?"


He then pushed a lock of hair behind my ear, and came closer towards me, "I think I changed that for you, and you don't like that. Normal and boring is something safe for you, but I'm the person in your life who creates the risk. And I think that a little part of you likes that."

Maybe he had a point.

Or maybe he was just stupid. 


Authors Note: 

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Until next time,


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