"Yes, come one get going to your date, wait are you wearing a snicker?"

"It's not a date and yes"

"Awesome! My kind of style, if I was a guy I would have totally steal you away from Kai" she said winking at me in my black dress and sneakers.

I laughed and then left to meet Kai to confess my feelings, Omg that sounds totally stupid I think this is stupid, a stupid decision.

But I can't turn back ari and Clair are sleeping over tonight they would totally drag me to meet Kai.

My heart beat increase as I was minutes away from sushi's palace, I think I'm going to have a heart attack.

Why, why did I tell them I like Kai?

I like Kai, god I should have taken that therapist.

I parked the car as I pull up to the building and got out. Shit am I really doing this.

"God help me" I took a deep breath in and out and walked to the building.

I looked inside since they had a glass window and you could practically see inside. I saw Kai sitting at a table looking so damn handsome and awkward but more handsome.

Geez Alyssa stop.

I was about to walk in when sudden a girl walk up to him, it look like she called his name because he look up and kept staring like he was seeing a ghost, he blinked couple times and then got up from his chair. He said something smiling then a brighter smile came across his face.

Who is she?

He started holding her face smiling like he didn't believe she was real and then he did something that totally shocked me.

He kissed her, on the lips.

He pulled away quickly like he got shock or something but he still kissed her.

I turned my back and my heart beat increase like I ran a marathon.

What is happening to me.

I walked back to the car without a glance back afraid of what I might see.
"Ally what's wrong" Ari asked for about 1 million times.

"Nothing" I mumbled stuffing my mouth with ice cream.

"No something is wrong, how did last night go? Did you tell him? Wait is this why you're sulking? What did he do?"
Clair said laying a lot of questions on me.

"Can we please enjoy this morning?" I asked slightly annoyed.

"No" Ari said flatly.

"I'm calling Kai, I'll asked him since you don't want to tell us anything" I snap my head to Clair and lounge at her to grab her phone.

"Don't! Fine I'll answer your questions" I said irritated.

"Nothing happened last night I didn't meet him nor did I tell him how I think I feel" I said looking at my ice cream like it is the most important thing in my life.

"What do you mean?" Ari asked confusion in her voice.

"How you think you feel? What does that mean, you like him" Clair said looking at me.

I just want them to leave me alone,I want to be alone, I want whatever I feel for Kai to go the hell away I want the image of him and that girl kissing to get out my head most of all I just want to sleep and forget everything.

"Yes I like Kai Reid I like him but it was stupid of me to get these feeling for him because feeling make you weak, I don't know when or how I started to like him but I hate it because he don't like me back and this shit hurts so fricking bad, he kissed her and I saw" I said tears rolling out my eyes.

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