That Sick Feeling

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Lucy sat in an office, her father pacing back and forth with crossed arms, brows furrowed and red-faced.

"How dare you!" He shouted, breaking the deafening silence "You run away, making me worried, Lord Everlue was worried, we thought you were kidnapped!"

The blonde stared at the floor and twiddled her thumbs "I'm sorry father." She whispered "I just... I just wanted to have a life, I met really nice people, I even met a-"

"A boy?" He muttered "Oh, so you're saying you're in love?"

Her face reddened "Yeah, I really do think I am."

"No, you are not in love, love will hurt you and love will only cause pain!" He boomed "I thought you learned that when your mother passed away." He said in a more calm tone.

The girl now was staring into his eyes now, seeing how tired he was, what had he been doing while she was away. Was he restless or was he trying to subdue all the marriage proposals to her.

"You know what Lucy, just go to the hotel, I don't even know what to say to you." He held the bridge of his nose and turned to the door "Miss Aries, please take Lucy."

The woman walked in quickly and pulled up Lucy and briskly walked out the door "Aries?"

She looked over her shoulder and smiled "Sorry miss." She turned back around and they walked in silence until they were inside of a hotel and standing outside a door.

"This is where you'll be staying miss, sorry if it's not to your liking." The pinkette bowed and walked away and Lucy opened the door to look inside a room that was very posh an reminded her of her old room back and the mansion.

She sat down at the end of her bed and her eyes drooped "Why am I still drowsy?" She muttered curing up into a ball "I was asleep for over eight hours, what the hell."

The girl slowly drifted off to sleep, not knowing that the man who loves her is working himself almost to death.


Two weeks later-

Lucy stretched waking up in the hotel bed she'd been sleeping in for the past two weeks, she had tried remembering Natsu's number and calling him on the flip phone she still had but nothing would jog her memory.

"Miss Lucy, sorry for coming in earlier then usually but master has requested your presence in his office." Aries bowed and left leaving Lucy.

She groaned and froze, feeling acid in her throat making  her run and hurry to the bathroom to throw up.

Lucy wiped her mouth with a rag "Turns out the food here isn't as exquisite as they say." She groaned hopping into the shower.

After the quick shower, she thrown on a blouse and black jeans before rushing into her fathers office/room in the hotel.

"Good morning father." Lucy bowed, knowing what he was going to say.

"Good Morning Lucy, as you may not know, the wedding process for you and Lord Everlue has sped up and we're moving the wedding to next week, if you don't agree to it, a few people named MiraJane Strauss, Erza Scarlet, Jellal Fernandez and Natsu Dragneel will be in big trouble." He slyly smiled reading off the paper.

"Father please don't bring them into this." Lucy pleaded, her heart beating fast at the mention of her friends names.

He stood up and cracked his knuckles "I'm guessing Natsu Dragneel is the one who won your heart then?"

Lucy's face blushed as she nodded "I'm sorry father, I was being stupid, I'll rid myself of these feelings at on-" She couldn't finish the sentence because she felt he acid feeling in her throat again causing her to run to the mini bathroom and throw up as he father called for a nurse.

The girl stood up and washed her mouth with the mouth wash on the side, Jude stood at the door with his hands behind his back "I've called for a nurse but you better stay true to your words, rid your feelings and thoughts of your friends."

He backed away and sat behind his desk as two nurses rushed in to escort Lucy to the nurses station, she just wanted this sick feeling to be gone so she can rest easily.

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