Love? No Sorry!

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Natsu and Lucy arrived back at the restaurant around 6:30PM and it was buzzing with people, it wasn't like this earlier.

"It's so crowded." Lucy said getting out of the car.

"Yeah, it gets like this later on usually, I tend to avoid it, Mira turns into a devil when it's busy." Natsu said stuffing his hand in his pockets.

Lucy only nodded, surprised that such a sweet woman could turn into a 'devil' He was probably over-reacting, he seemed like the type to do that.

They both entered and dodged running children and food that was left on the floor, Lucy wondered how someone could eat in a place like this.

"Erza?" Natsu called out, he twisted his head from side to side, looking for the red-head "Stay here, I'll be right back." He said disappearing into the crowd of people.

Lucy wasn't used to this, she was used to quiet and calm, not ruckus and loud.

"Excuse me miss, have you seen my girlfriend?" Lucy turned around only to be met by a boy with a red tattoo and blue hair "She's called Erza and is a cook here."

Lucy, knowing this was Jellal or whoever, nodded and smiled politely "I think she's in the kitchen, you must be Jellal?"

"Yeah, I believe we've never met." He smiled shaking her hand "Are you a new work colleague?" 

"No, I just go here-"

"Jellal!" Both heads turned towards the kitchen and out ran Erza, apron in hand and bag over shoulder, Natsu trailed behind with a large bump on his head and an unpleasant look on his face.

Jellal's face lightened and he hugged Erza "Good evening my honey-bunny!" He greeted kissing her cheek "I was just talking to Lucy."

Erza looked at the girl and held her hands, letting go of Jellal "Yeah, she came here today, would it be okay for her to stay at ours tonight?" Erza asked using her puppy dog eyes.

"Sure thing, what happened to Pinky anyway?" Jellal pointed and laughed.

Erza waved it off and Lucy looked on with curiosity "He tried stealing a chicken wing, Mira got him though." 

"Okay then, you both ready to go?" Jellal smiled swinging car keys around his finger.

Both nodded and Lucy looked at Natsu "I wanna go say goodbye quickly."

She ran over and stopped in front of his face "Thank you for today Natsu, I really appreciate it." She hugged him and he shakily hugged back "I'll see you tomorrow 'Kay?"

"O-Okay." He smiled staring at her "I'll see you tomorrow Lucy."


Erza's house wasn't huge but it was just the right size for a family, which she didn't have, the red-head had spare three rooms, all unoccupied.

"You can have a shower if you want, dinner will be ready in around forty minutes." Jellal smiled, tying the apron around his neck "We're having spaghetti bolognese."

Lucy nodded and bowed "Thank you for your kindness."

Erza hugged Lucy and gave her a soft look "You're welcome, just enjoy your stay."

The blonde once again nodded and headed upstairs where Erza had shown her where the bathroom is and where the bedroom was too.

Lucy hummed as she stepped inside the shower, she was so lucky to run into these kind people

After the shower, Lucy went downstairs and smelt the amazing food, it was heaven, she followed the scent and ended up in the small kitchen, Erza was sitting down with a plate to her side and in front of her while Jellal was at the oven, stirring the spaghetti that was on the hob.

"Hey there, did you enjoy your shower?" Erza asked as Lucy taken a seat.

"Yeah it was very nice thank you, I was just thinking though, why do you and Jellal live in a  family sized house?"

Erza giggled and blushed "Well me and Jellal wanna start a family at some point, after we get married of course."

"I know I know Erza, you just gotta be patient honey." Jellal laughed leaning over to pinch her cheeks.

"Ooh." Lucy blushed at them both, knowing they were madly in love, she wanted to feel that, she wanted a happiness unlike any other.

Jellal went back to cooking and Erza turned back to Lucy "So, is Natsu charming you yet?" 

"Wha-? No, no, I think I'll just keep him as a friend." Lucy said waving off the blush that adorned her cheeks.

Erza, not buying it, giggled and sipped her drink "Okay then, shame really, you honestly are a pretty girl." 

Lucy only nodded and waited for her amazing dinner.

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