Gas Station

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As always, Natsu went on his late night drive, passed a few villages and through the countryside, his favourite places to be.

Tonight felt different, it felt darker, the rusty pick-up truck seemed empty and loud, even though there was no music, and there most certainly no room for more then three people, so why did it feel different?

Natsu continued driving again until he stopped at an unknown gas station.

His feet tapped against the concrete floor as he watched the meter go up and tsked as it went over by 1 penny.

"Typical." He groaned going inside the unfamiliar place. It truly was in the middle of nowhere and that's what he liked about this. It was truly his own place.

The pink-haired man kept his head down low as he entered the automatic doors with a ten pounds and one pence scrunched in his fingers, it still felt different and it annoyed him to no end, even more so he couldn't figure out why.

"I'm gas pump six." He said staring at the money he placed on the counter.

He heard a gentle gasp and looked up, feeling familiarity sink in with the doe brown eyes that met his own dark ones.

"Luce?" His words came out choked and in shock, is this why it felt so different?

She blushed and quickly scrapped up her money into her still delicate fingers and placed it in the till, pulling her mandatory hat down just to cover her eyes.

"Thank you and please com-" She softly gasped again when he grabbed her hand and forced her head up using his free one.

He grinned toothily and let her hand drop before running around the counter and tackling her into a hug, almost knocking cigarettes off the shelves.

"Natsu pl-" He cut her off for the second time by kissing her with as much passion as he could, he needed to show her how much she was missed but was stopped by a slap across his tanned cheek "Would you listen for a second!" She shouted making a customer who walked in, walk immediately out.

The two stood up and dusted themselves off and a man came out of the staff room yawning.

"I swear to fucking god Lucy, if you fuck up, I'll-" The man stared at Natsu "Who's this? Why is he behind the counter?"

Natsu glared at the man and his wrinkled features, smokers breath and disgusting, greasy black hair.

"Michael leave him alone, he's an old friend." Lucy whispered putting her hand on his chest and he grinned down at her and grasped onto her hips.

"So he won't care if I do this?" The man smirked at Lucy and then to Natsu, seeing both of their obvious anger.

Natsu rolled his eyes and pushed passed the two and quickly walked to his car where he flung open the door and slammed it shut.

From where he sat, he could clearly see Lucy slapping Michael and throwing her hat at him before running out with tears in her eyes, he stayed in his car and knew she was running his way so he waited until she climbed in.

When she was buckled up, he started driving and both stuck their middle fingers up at the asshole in the store, he for sure wasn't going back there.

Natsu gripped his steering wheel tightly and looked to the side to see her staring at the rings on his fingers.

"So is that all I was? A friend?" He blurted out.

She rolled her eyes, crossing her frail arms over her chest "You know that's not what I meant."

Crossroads {NaLu}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin