Chapter Twenty-two

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"Well, explain then." I demanded, getting really freaked out. What does this crazy guy know about me?!

"Diana, I'm your father." Paul said calmly.

"W-what? You can't be. No way." I stuttered, moving away from him and closer to Harry.

"I am. You were only seven when I had to go, you would barely remember what I look like." Paul said quietly.

"Did you say had to go! You abandoned us! Mum has had to work three jobs just we don't get kicked out of our flat. How dare you just leave us like that with no explanation, no nothing. Not one bit of money to support us. I'm your daughter!" I shouted at him.

People turned to stare at the scene I was making. I didn't care. Let then know that Paul was a lame excuse of a dad.

"I did have to go. I didn't want to, but it was for the best. I thought of you and your mother every single day, Diana." He said softly.

"Bullshit." I spat.

"It's true, I did. Let me explain why I left, just not here in front of everyone."

"Why?! Why should I give you a chance after you did that to us? You don't deserve my time."

"Please." He said simply.

"I - I need to think." I said before running out of the door outside. I found a bench outside the office and sat on it. I put my head in my hands and sighed.

I then heard footsteps coming towards me and took a seat next to me. I looked up to see Harry.

"Are you ok?" He asked me gently.

"I don't know. I'm so just confused and angry. How can my dad just pop up back in my life after me and mum tried so hard to get over him? He took our whole lives away from us." I poured out, holding back my tears.

Harry took my hands and held me close, realising I needed comfort right now. "I don't know. I've known Paul for a while now and I had no idea. I didn't even notice the resemblance till you stood next to him."

"Do you think I should let him explain? I never knew why he left. I just assumed he left because of something like another woman, or something. Him and my mum never argued."

"In my opinion, I think you should. Even if you let him explain, it doesn't mean you have to forgive him or anything. It's your decision though, Diana." Harry said.

"Thanks." I told him. I breathed in and tried to be brave. "I'll let him talk. Can you bring him here please, Harry?" I asked.

"Of course." Harry placed a kiss on my forehead and went back in to get Paul.

I was worried. Maybe he was going to say something I didn't want to hear, like I was a terrible and anoying child and I drove him away. He better not say anything bad about my mum.

Harry came back with Paul. Paul took a seat on the bench next to me.

"Thank you for this." Paul said and I nodded. "Harry, can Diana and I be alone for a bit?"

"Yeah that's fin-" Harry said but I cut him off.

"No, I want him to stay." I said sharply to Paul.

Harry looked kind of torn so I felt bad, but he sat on the other side of me so I was still next to Paul.

"Um ok then." Paul said.

"Explain then, I'm listening. But this doesn't mean I'm going to forgive you." I told him.

"I'll go from the start. When you were seven, I started to get a lot of headaches, coughs and out of breath really easily. I thought it was some kind of flu or cold, but it was a lot worse than that. I went to the doctor for recommendation on a medicine to treat it, but he seemed really concerned." Paul explained.

"What has you getting a cough got to do with this?" I asked.

"Diana, please, just listen." He begged.

"Ok." I mumbled.

"The doctor did a few more tests and called me back in a few weeks time to talk to me. It was really bad news, I had lung cancer."

I gasped and bit my tongue in order not to spill out a hundred questions.

"I couldn't believe it. They told me my chances of living were not very high. My first thoughts were you and your mum, how would you cope when I died. I completely believed I was going to die, living didn't even seem like a possibility. It was stupid of me.

"I came up with one solution to help you and your mum, so my death didn't effect you. To leave. Although I was terrified of what would happen to me, I didn't tell anybody. Not even your mother Hannah. I thought it would be easier for you to deal with a dad who left, than a dad who was dead. I thought Hannah would get over a husband walking out more easily, than being a widow." Paul told me.

"You should of told us..." I said tears spilling down my face.

"I know, I realise what a stupid mistake I made as soon as I recovered. The treatment took a long time. It took years of chemotherapy, therapists, and operations till I had even made an improvement. Eventually, I did get completely better. By then I knew that I didn't have to go through that torture alone. I could of had my family's support. I should have had faith in what modern medicine can do. I missed you and your mum so much. That's what made me come back."

"Co-come back?" I repeated.

"Yes, I did. About five or six months ago now. Remember 'anonymous'?" He asked.

"That was you?!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Yes, it was." Paul nodded, then turned to Harry. "I was in the area when I saw you one day in Starbucks. I remembered you around our place everyday, Diana's best friend. The next week in Starbucks, Diana, you were there too! I couldn't believe how easily I found you again, but I couldn't talk to you. I knew I'd done a bad thing leaving you, even though I thought I was saving you.

"I watched you both together for ages, down the park, for a few meals. Also, when Harry helped you from that boy, Jack. I learnt how much of a struggle it must of been for you and your mum financially, so I tried my best to earn some money to give you. I didn't have much, as most of it had been spent on my treatment, but I gave what I could. Soon I knew I had to move on from you. I thought I would fix my mistake one day in the future, but I had to get a job. I ended up here, as a tour manager and body guard. One day, my boss told me I would be working for a young boy band. I couldn't believe it when Harry walked in. I guess you can fill in the gaps from there. What I'm trying to say us, I'm so sorry." Paul told me after his long story.

I was crying that my poor dad had faced cancer alone. He did actually care for me this whole time and he was trying to do a good thing.

"I forgive you." I wept and hugged my dad, that I hadn't spoken too in almost ten years. He hugged me back. He had tears in his eyes too.

"I'm crying happy tears now, by the way. That you've come back." I laughed.

"Me too." He chuckled back.


A/N: Omg yay, Diana's found her dad! Well done to Rhiannon who guessed right the first time that it was him! I actually really like Paul he is nice. This chapter took me ages to edit and stuff, so please vote, comment and share.

Thank you for 1.3k reads as well!xx

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