Chapter Thirteen

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I had a good afternoon with Zayn and Elena. Harry had seemed to have forgiven Zayn for whatever he thought he'd done.

"Bye guys! We'll meet up again soon, right?" I hugged them both, one by one.

"Of course!" Elena replied.

"Sounds good. We'll talk soon." Zayn smiled.

"See you around." Harry nodded at them.

"Bye." They said simultaneously. Aw, they were meant to be together.

We walked opposite ways down the high street.

"Call me when Harry proposes to you Diana!" Elena called to us from really far down the street.

Zayn shoved her playfully as they were both laughing.


"What was that Elena shouted?" Harry asked confused.

At least he didn't hear.

"Um, nothing." I said nervously. He eyed me but said nothing more about it.

"You ok with Zayn?" I asked Harry in the car as he drove me home.

"Yeah, I guess." He answered unaware that I'd heard them arguing.


"You and him seem close." He raised an eyebrow.

"We're good friends." I said with an edge to my voice.

He nodded.

We soon arrived at my flat.

"See you at school tommorow." I waved cheerfully, deciding to forget about being anoyed with him for being rude to Zayn.

"Bye." He smiled before driving off.


The next morning I as usual, woke up to an empty house. I found my ugly uniform and had a slice of toast. Harry always picked me up for school now.

I heard a knock at the door.

"You should text me when you're outside to save you coming up these stairs." I told Harry when I'd opened the door.

"It's ok, I don't mind." He shrugged.

"I know I would! Anyway lets go." I said cheerfully.

When we parked outside school and we made our way in. We didn't worry about being noticed together any more. We didn't have many lessons together, so when the bell rang I made my way English while he went to Music.

"Alright class, new seating plan today!" Mrs Green announced to class. She briskly mixed us up, ordering each student to a new place in the room.

"Diana, take a seat next to Rachel at the back."

I picked up my bag and sat next to Rachel, who I didn't really know very well. She had jet black hair and a nice smile.

"Hey." She said as I sat down.

"Hi. So glad I'm at the back now!" I grinned.

"Yeah it's good," She nodded. "Don't you hang out with Harry Styles?" She asked.

"Yep, I do."

"Oh right, cool. I'm Jack's girlfriend." She said casually.

This suprised me, but I can't judge her on her boyfriend, so I guess it doesn't matter.

"Good." I nodded.

"So are you going out with Harry then?" She seemed interested.

"Be quiet at the back!" Mrs Green yelled.

I rolled my eyes and just continued talking to her but quieter.

"No I'm not, but I do like him." I whispered, not really sure why I was telling Jack's girlfriend this.

"Go for it. He probably likes you too." She encouraged.

"Do you think so?" I asked unsure.


Half an hour later our boring English lesson ended.

"What lesson do you have next?" Rachel asked.

"Geography." I answered.

"Same! Lets go together."

As we walked I began to talk about Harry again.

"You know, I was thinking about what you said and maybe you're right. I think I'm going to tell him how I feel and things will work out for us." I told her.

"You should! First thing this lunch break. Trust me Diana, things will work out for you and him." Rachel reassured me, making me feel pleased.

"Thanks Rachel. You've been so great today." I smiled genuinely.

I was becoming close with Rachel. She was kind and funny, and we got on great. We laughed and joked and sat next to each other in geography.

At lunch time, I went round to Harry's locker where we always met at lunch times. I had planned out everything I wanted to say to him. I was really nervous, but I knew it was stupid just sitting around doing nothing. We knew each other so well, what could go wrong?

I made my way past all the other lockers to Harry's in the corner. I could see two people standing directly by it, but I couldn't make out who. I walked closer and gasped at what I saw.

Rachel and Harry were making out with Harry's back on the locker and Rachel leaning against him. It seemed pretty passionate. I didn't want to look, yet I couldn't make myself turn away. I just stared at them. I could physically feel my heart shatter into pieces. I thought Rachel was my friend and she knew I felt for Harry in that way. I thought Harry liked me as well. I guess I just misjudged him all together, and he only wanted to be friends.

Harry then noticed me standing right there with my mouth open, tears filling my eyes. He moved away from Rachel and they turned to face me. Rachel had a huge grin on her face.

"Diana wait-" Harry started, but I turned away and ran. I couldn't let him see I was crying.


A/N: ahh Rachel wasnt so nice after all! im so sad for Diana seeing harry and Rachel kissing! please please vote, comment and share. ily for reading xxx

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