Chapter Ten

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Diana's pov

I was so relieved Harry was letting me stay at his. When things like that happened, it made me hate staying alone. Worse for me that my mum works nights a lot.

We got out of the car at Harry's medium sized house. It had two bedrooms, a bathroom, a large living room, a kitchen and an office.

"My mum won't be back till around 2am. She goes out on dates all the time with different people. She doesn't give a shit about me." Harry muttered angrily.

"I'm sorry." I looked up at him sincerely.

"It's not your fault. So anyway, do you want to eat because Chef Styles is cooking." He grinned.

"Always!" I laughed.

He let us in the house. I looked around seeing there wasn't many changes apart from the wooden floor had been changed to a cream carpet.

"Right, you can put your stuff in my room and make yourself at home. Meanwhile, I'll be making dinner." He said friendly and he went into the kitchen.

I went up the stairs knowing exactly where Harry's bedroom was. I've been there so many times. We used to joke it was my second home.

Harry's bedroom was pretty plain. White walls and blue bedspread and everything away in draws or arranged on a shelf. Surprisingly tidy. I dumped my bag on his bed. I noticed he had a desk by the window and on it there was lots of paper. I went over and turned over the paper to discover it was sheet music filled in with a song.

Being me, I couldn't understand any of it, I only saw weird symbols all over the page. The words of the song weren't written on there though. I made a mental note to ask him to sing it to me. The only thing in Harry's room that showed his personality was the guitar in the corner. I never knew he played that.

I walked back down the stairs and snuck a peek at Harry cooking. I could see a pot of pasta cooking and him opening a jar of sauce.

"Busted!" I thought in my head, knowing that he would tell me he made it himself. I thought I would keep my discovery to myself until we ate.

I went through to the living room and switched on the TV while I waited. I flicked through the channels but nothing caught my eye. I decided to talk to Harry instead.

"Need any help?" I asked him cheerily.

"No I'm good thanks." He smiled.

"I didn't know you played the guitar."

"Yeah, I kinda taught myself for the last two years."

"Wow you're talented," I told him, impressed. "Can you play me the song you wrote?" I asked hopefully.

"You seen the song?"

"Yeah, but you know I can't understand any of it." I chuckled.

He looked relieved.

"It's not finished yet. I'll play it to you when it's done."

"Ok. Anyway, when is this food ready?"

"Now actually." He said reaching for plates.

He served the food and we sat down to eat.

"This is good!" I told him after a few mouthfuls.

"Yep. I'm a talented guy." He showed off.

"Did you make the sauce?" I asked innocently.

"Of course." He nodded.

"How did you do it?"

"Um well, you chop tomatoes and stuff. And then add salt, I mean suger." He said making it so obvious he didn't have a clue.

"I seen you put in the jar of sauce." I said bluntly, then collapsed into a fit of giggles.

"I can cook, I was just feeling lazy today!" He said putting his hands up in mock defence.

"If you say so, Styles." I said still laughing.

He pouted.

"Aw, I'm sorry for laughing!" I said getting up to give him a hug. He hugged my back.

"Forgiven. Now lets continue eating, I need my food." He grinned.


After we had eaten we watched some more movies on Netflix in Harry's room. Half way through our third movie, we got bored and decided to talk instead.

"Harry," I asked him. "Did you have any other people you hung out with apart from the jocks, because I know you didn't like them?"

"Most of the time, no. I did have one friend though, actually two. They didn't go to our school though. When we weren't friends, they were the only people who I could be honest with and they didn't judge me."

"Who?" I asked.

"They were called Niall and Zayn. Their girlfriends were nice too, we all were friends. Zayn's girlfriend was called Elena and Niall's girlfriend Sophie. One of my mum's old boyfriends took me to meet the rest of their family. It was Niall's dad, and Niall was there with Sophie, and his best mate Zayn was there with Elena. I haven't seen them in ages though." He sighed.

"You know," I said reaching for Harry's hand. "I like it when you talk about how you feel, because you shouldn't keep it locked up."

"Your the only person who really knows me, Diana."

"Don't lose contact with the friends who helped you out when you found it hard, Harry."

"You're right."

I glanced at the time. 1am.

"Harry we should go go sleep, we have school tommorow."

"Ok. Oh and Diana, there's only this bed and Mum's bed who will be back soon. Is ok with you to sleep with me, or should go on the couch?" He asked nervously, fiddling with his fingers.

"Don't worry about it. Don't be silly, you are not sleeping on the couch! Now I'm getting changed in the bathroom." I finalised.

I changed into my favourite onezie in his cold bathroom.

'This doesn't have to be awkward, we've been friends since we were four.' I thought to myself.

I removed my make-up and brushed my teeth, then returned to Harry's room. He was sitting on the bed shirtless with all his tattoos on show.

'Keep the eye-contact, keep the eye-contact, don't stare at his abs, don't stare.' I told myself inside my head.

"Um, hi." I smiled weakly, trying so hard to do what I told myself.

"Hi." He said and opened the covers of his double bed and got in. I was relieved. Then I got in the other side.

"Night Harry. Thanks for today, or yesterday I suppose seeing as it's 1:30.

"I had fun. Night Diana." He replied through the darkness.


A/N: hii. thank u for reading because i've got 150 reads now! please vote if you enjoyed!xxx

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