Chapter Seven

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It was Saturday. Harry hadn't been in school all week after Monday and his weird freak out by not punching me.

I wonder if he'll be in work today. Mum had been working pretty much all week. I got ready and walked down to Starbucks, without my bag today.

As usual, I arrived early.

"Hey Jim!" I called not bothering to go in his office.

"Hi Diana!" He called back. Then he opened the back door and came over to me.

"Harry isn't coming in today. Just thought I'd let you know." Jim said.

"Really, how come?"

"I don't know. He just left a voicemail saying he couldn't."

"Oh ok. I guess I'll get started then."

"Great. Talk to you later." He replied and went back into the office he spent his whole life in.

When the lunch time rush came, I wished I had Harry to help out. Some customers were very impatient and don't seem to understand I can't serve ten people at once.

When the rush calmed down a bit, Laura came in.

"Hey Diana. How are you?" She smiled.

"I'm good thanks. How are you?"

"C'mon, tell me the truth. How are you really?"

"Confused. And stressed. And worried." I answered honestly.

"There are no customers now, so come sit at a table with me and tell me all about it." She offered.

"That would be great. It's two now anyway, my lunch break. Jim will be out any minute. Want a drink first?" I said relieved.

"Hot chocolate please."

I'd finished making the drink and we took a seat right by the front window.

Suddenly, I heard a knocking sound. I looked around wondering where it came from.

"Who's that?" Laura said, pointing to the window. My eyes widened.

"Harry!" I breathed out in reply. He was motioning for me to come out to him.

"I'll be ten minutes tops." I said turning to Laura.

"Don't worry, take your time. Go and see what he wants." She said.

I walked out of the shop and went up to Harry. I stared at him. He was covered in cuts and bruises, big ones.

"What happened?" I gasped.

"Come and sit down." He led us to a bench outside the shop next door.

"I haven't given you answers for a long time. I know I should of told you a long time ago, but I have a reason for that, ok?" He said slowly.

"Ok." I nodded.

"Those jocks I hang out with aren't my friends, far from it. In the first year of secondary I met them and they threatened me. One of them, Jack, in the first week, fancied you. He thought you liked me instead, so they pretended to make friends with me. I thought it was great making friends with the populars, but I was so wrong." Harry explained.

"Then what happened?"

"They started asking about you. I told them how close we were since forever. Then they told me I should hang out with them all the time and leave you, but I said that I didn't want to leave you. Then they forced me to bully you so you wouldn't like me anymore. They said if I didn't, they would do much worse to you, or even kill you. I thought I was protecting you, but really I was just doing exactly what they wanted."

"So whats happened to you now, with all your cuts?"

"All week, I've been standing up to them. They just choose to fight me. I've been telling them I wouldn't do it anymore, or let them do anything to you. Diana, I know you think I hate you, but I don't. I still feel the exact same way as before and I miss you so much."

My head was in a blur. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Harry didn't hate me, he was protecting me. Everything made sense. The 'knight in shining armor' and him nice to me at odd times.

"I missed you too." I whispered.

He grabbed my hand.

"I couldn't look at you or talk to you when I hit you, because it hurt me more to see me damaging someone I cared about." He said gently.

"I understand."

"Can we start again? We can be like how it was before. We don't need to worry about everyone else anymore. Just you and me." He said hopefully.

I had to think. This was a dream come true. I understood why everything had happened, but is becoming friends again a good idea? Though, I would be happy again.

"Yeah, lets start again." I smiled.

Harry hugged me and hugged him back. A weight was lifted off my shoulders.

"I'm so sorry." He murmured in my hair.

"It's ok, I'm just still a little shocked." I said.

"When work ends, I'm coming to pick you up. We'll go somewhere, like friends do." He said cheekily.

"Agreed! I guess I'll see you then, Styles." I grinned. This is the old Harry I used to know!

"See you at four!" He smiled and got up off the bench. I smiled back, a genuine smile that actually made me feel happy. The kind of happy that Harry always made me feel. Looks like he will be again.

I strolled back into the shops.

"Well! What happened?" Laura urged me.

"Everything is sorted." I said still smiling.

"What do you mean everything? You have been terrified for four long years and in a matter of minutes, he has said something that has made everything better!" I could tell she did not trust Harry.

"I understand now Laura. I know you're only looking out for me, but I haven't been this happy for a long time."

"Well I suppose that's the importent thing."

I could Jim behind the counter. Hopefully he didn't see Harry and ask any questions.

"You know, you never told me Harry was hot too!" Laura said grinning.

I laughed along with Laura.

"To be honest, I never really seen it when we were best friends, only since about last week. But we can't be together, we're friends and nothing else."

"I bet you, within a week of you being friends with him, you'll fancy him like crazy!" Laura challenged.

"No way! I won't! He's good looking, but I won't fancy him!" I retorted even though I was having my doubts myself.

"We'll see." Was all Laura said in reply. "Anyway, let me show this new top I bought today!" She said excitedly reaching for one of her many shopping bags.


A/N: Harry's secret is out! Will their friendship work out, or will it go further than that? Spent ages writing that chapter, so please vote or comment what you think!xxx

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