Chapter Two

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Diana's pov

I trudged on home, trying to cover up my limp. I avoided getting the bus, I don't like people staring at my injuries.

I couldn't call my mum to pick me up because we don't have a car. My dad left when I was seven. When he went, he didn't pay money to mum for me.

We only have now mum's income which isn't much. She works three jobs, so she's always really tired. She always finds time for me though. She says us two need to stick together. My mum's the best. I can't always have all the gadgets and clothes that I want, but that isn't her fault. I hate my dad for leaving and making her work more than is natural for rubbish money.

Her jobs are a cleaner at an elderly persons home, a receptionist in an office at night, and a cleaner at a school too. Three jobs is only just enough to pay the rent in our two bedroom flat. I'm looking for work too even though mum is against it. She says that I already work hard enough without a job too. With a stressed out, kind, worrying mum like mine, I really can't tell her about how school really is.

I slowly walked down the high street when I seen a piece of paper in the window of Starbucks. It read:

Staff wanted: weekends 10am-4pm.

I raced inside to Starbucks straight away. Luckily, there was no line so I went straight up to the man at the counter.

"Hi, I'm here about the job." I said hurriedly.

"Oh yes, you're actually the first person to come about it. What's your name?" He smiled.


"Ok Diana, can you please fill out this form. I'll just check it's ok and then you've got the job!"

"Great thanks. I needed a job so badly."

"Some extra money for clothes and make-up? I know what you girls are like!" He chuckled.

"Something like that." I replied, filling in the questions in my neatest handwriting.

"Um Diana, are you ok? You have a cut on your forehead." He asked concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine. Don't worry about it." I tried to smile.

I handed my completed form to him.

"By the way, I'm Jim. I'm the manager here, but I'm on the till today because our usual guy is off. He can show you the ropes on Saturday." Jim told me friendily.

"You mean, I've got the job?"

"Yeah of course you do!" He grinned back.

"Thanks Jim! I'll see you Saturday!" I cheered. I walked out of the shop while waving.

"Bye!" Jim waved back.


Back at home

"Hi mum, I'm home!" I called through the flat.

"Hi Diana, how was your day? I'm making Lasagne for dinner, your favourite!" She smiled giving me a hug.

I had made sure to pull my beannie down over my cut just before I came in, even though it made it really sting.

"Yeah it was great, thanks. I have some amazing news, mum. I have a job!" I told excitedly.

"Diana, I'm very proud of you for getting your very first job, but you don't need to be worrying about money yet. All the same, well done love."

"Mum I want to help you. You pay the rent, I'll pay for your little treats every now and then. Deal?" I smiled.

"Deal." She smiled back. "I couldn't of wished for a better daughter!" She told me, giving me another hug.

"Anyway go and hang out in your room, dinner will be ready at six."

"Thanks. I'll do some homework now, seeing as I'm starting my job tommorow." I replied.

I walked into my room and took off my hat. I decided to have a shower to soothe my aching skin.

The warm water made me feel more relaxed, and I thought about my new job. I was so glad it was Friday. The weekend was my escape from Harry, and I could relax not worrying when my next hit was coming.

I got dressed in a sloppy jumper and leggings which were soft on my painful skin. I then heard the call for dinner. I grabbed my beannie again, knowing that this time, concealer wouldn't cut it.

I walked out of my boxroom bedroom and sat down opposite my mum at the table.

"Thanks mum, this is great."

"I'm glad you like it, love." Mum replied kindly.

"Also, Diana, why are you still wearing your hat. Are you coming down with something? I think I have some spare money for medicine." She asked worriedly.

"Honestly, I'm fine mum. I just like it because it's comfy!" I grinned, trying my best to reasure her.

"Ok if your sure. Anyway, I have to eat this quick. I have to go to work in ten minutes. You'll be alright by yourself won't you?"

"Yeah I'll be fine. I always am." I replied.

"Thanks Diana." My mum said.

"What for?"

"Always being here for me when your dad left." She said tearing up a bit.

"Don't cry mum. I love you too."


A/N: Hi, finally made a cover. Did a bit more of Diana's background here. Vote and comment xxx

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